Chapter 3

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After the longest flight ever, Hannah and I finally made it to the LAX airport where Hannah nearly exploded with excitement. I had to remind her that we were in public but she was still jumping for joy, and it only continued when we got on a bus (which had lumpy seats and rocked back and forth) that would take us all the way to Camp Mars.

"This is so exciting! We're actually going to Camp Mars! Eek!!!" Hannah said... for about tenth damn time.

"Yes, yes, I know. Very exciting." I said in a nonchalantly kind of voice, looking down at the book I brought along with me, not really caring anymore.

"Ooh, is that the new book by Alyson Noel?" Hannah asked, looking over the cover which had a strawberry dipped in gold liquid.

"Yeah. Her lastest book: Unrivaled of her new series Beautiful Idols. I am in love with it! I'm almost finished, just three more chapters to go." I share as Hannah removed her Ipod from her bag as she put on her headphones.

"You'll have to let me read it when your done."

"Sorry, I'm not supposed to pass it around."

"But you'll make an exception for me. Okay, love you!"

Hannah then clicked on her music and began jamming to a 30 Seconds to Mars song while I giggled and returned to my book. While reading, I couldn't help but glance at some of the other passengers – some looking older and younger than Hannah and I, but some also looking our age or close to our age. When were right at the gates of Camp Mars, I saw the familiar logo displayed on this giant banner hanging about the gates.

Nudging Hannah on the shoulder, she looked out the window only to press her face against the glass with excitement.

"We're here! Katie, we're here!" Hannah said with a giddy tone.

"Yes, now off the window. You're staining it." I said, peeling Hannah off the window and sitting her straight.

"Oh, my God! Camp Mars... We're finally here! Oh, my future husband is literally up this driveway!"

"Which one?"

"Jared of course! Every girl loves Jared." Hannah told me as she then corrected herself. "Okay, that's a lie. A lot of women love Shannon and Tomo, but mostly Jared is the heartthrob of the three. I mean, let's face it. Tomo is married; Shannon, I believe, has a girlfriend; Jared -"

"Is supposedly dating some Russian supermodel, Valery Kaufman." I interject, remembering the time Hannah told me about Jared's supposed girlfriend.

"That has never been confirmed."

"But it also has never been denied."

"You are such a buzz kill, you know that."

We both laughed as Hannah began settling down in her seat as we both looked out the window at the pretty trees that surround the camp. Once the bus was stopped, everyone rose from their seats and slowly disembarked, collecting their luggage shortly afterwards from the undercarriage.

Carrying my suitcase and keyboard case, we walked around for a bit, wondering where the check-in place was, but when Hannah spotted it, she quickly hurried over towards it.

Watching her hurry off, I sigh out of nervousness. "God help me." I said in a low voice before hurrying after my best friend.

When I caught up with her, I found she was talking with this with whom she was standing behind, really having a nice conversation with him, and when she saw me, she ushered me over.

"Katie, there you are. Hey, this is Mark Fischbach, a fellow Mars fan and a huge music lover." Hannah said, introducing me to the stranger.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I said, taking in the man's black and red hair.

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