Chapter 4

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I've come to my senses, people. It's no use, and very wrong, to tease a man the way I was thinking of. I'm not playing hard to get with him.

I don't want to do anything with him.

I know how them rich, rocker, method actor celebrities are. They say they're this down to earth person, only with a champagne taste.

During dinner, the entire lunch hall was packed, and seating was very limited. Grabbing a tray from the low stacks, Hannah and I got in line and waited to get up to the buffet where we saw little to no food left.

"Ooh, they got grilled cheese and tomato soup!" I pointed out as I grabbed a plate of two sandwiches and a bowl of soup.

I was impressed again. Hannah was right, the buffet included a lot of everything like hamburgers, beef sandwiches, and the likes, but I was still weary of this. I know how them vegans can be; very judgmental when it comes to what you eat. Like this one time, I went out with my family to a restaurant and we ended up sitting next to vegans (or was it vegetarians...) and Ashley and I ordered hamburgers while Mom got herself a chicken salad. They looked at us, while eating their fresh garden salads, with these looks of disgust. Long story short, it didn't end well and that's all say on the matter.

After finally finding a seat, Hannah and I began eating our dinner as we began talking about possible activities we could part take in tomorrow when I felt a slight bump on my back as I was forced forward, knocking my soup over and spilling over onto my shirt.

"Ugh... Damn it!" I said as Hannah looked over at me with concern as she quickly handed me some napkins, but I was to focused on the person that bumped into me. Looking back at them, I shouted, "Excuse me!"

Suddenly, this bleach blonde turned to look at me with this snobbish grin which made me strongly believe she was rich little brat. Also, she was wearing fancy clothing and jewelry.

"What do you want, loser?" she asked, sounding very snobby as well.

"Well, first I want an apology for pushing me with that cheap bag, and then your getting me a new dinner." I said as the blonde girl laughed.

"Like you need a second dinner." was her response as I cracked a fake, sarcastic smile.

"Oh, funny. Well, at least I don't look like I need five." I retorted as people again laughed.

The blonde then looked offended by my words as she stormed up to me with vile grin. She then got in my face as she began explaining herself.

"Listen here, Missy. You don't ever speak to me like that again, understand me? Do you even know who I am?" she asks as I remained unphased by her words.

"Do I care who you are?" I ask in return as she grew very upset.

"You better, scrub! I'm Kimberly Gwendolyn, and I can buy, use, and sell you in a matter of seconds."

"Congratulations, now let me tell you who I am. I'm Katie Clements, and I can punch, kick, and most importantly, beat your ass all over this damn camp!" I tell her as things began getting pretty heated between us.

"Go ahead, take your shot!"

"Oh, with pleasure!"

Just as we were about to get into, Hannah and a few other intervened just as the Leto brothers and Mr. Milicevic entered the hall and began demanding answers for what was going on here.

"We had reports that there was potential fight about to break out? If true, who are the parties involved?" Shannon Leto asked as pretty much everyone pointed at Kimberly and I.

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