Chapter 14

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Standing in front of him was pure torture.

Not the bad torture, I'm speaking metaphorically, here.

"Jared... I really need to talk to you about something." I start, my stomach twisting and turning in knots.

"Oh, what's up?" he asks, staring me in the eyes with those gorgeous blue eyes I was first attracted to when we first met. He then stopped me from saying anything when he made the face like he just remembered something. "Why are you about? You're supposed to be in your cabin resting."

"I know, I will, but I... really need to tell you something, first."

"Whatever it is, it can wait. I want you to go get some rest before you fall over and hurt yourself."

That was an order.

Jared pointed his finger towards the direction of my cabin and sent me off, making a little frustrated with him, but I knew I couldn't refuse a direct order from a camp counselor. Turning around, I began walking back to my cabin without a word of complaint but a few steps in, I gathered my courage and finally turned around and began refusing.

"No!" I tell him, watching his eyes go big with disbelief.

"You dare disobey a direct order?" Jared asked as I crossed my arms and stood my ground.

"Yes, only I'm not daring, I AM disobeying a direct order."

Jared then crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, giving me an upset look as he shook his head. "Just can't make things easy for once, can you?" he asks, approaching me with authority. He then got in my face, our noses touching, as he looked me right in the eyes. "You are to go back to your cabin and get some rest or else!" he told me, sounding very serious.

"Or what?!" I ask, getting even closer in his face, our foreheads were now touching.

Jared then growled a frustrated growl before lifting me off the ground and slinging me over his shoulder. Walking me back to my cabin, I just laughed as he made a few complaints about my weight – jokingly, of course.

When we arrived back to my cabin, Jared stopped and put me down, telling me to march right inside and get some rest but I only sat down on the cabin steps and crossed my arms.

"No way. I'm not listening to a single thing you say until you agree to talk with me." I say, putting up a strong fight as Jared shook his head once more.

"Fine! What is it that you wanna talk about?" he demands to know as I ready myself for the reveal.

Taking a deep breath, I rose from the steps as I walked right up to him, figuring it was best to break the news face to face instead of me sitting down. Needless to say I was terrified, but I had to tell him how I truly feel.

"Jared... um, I know this is gonna sound completely crazy, but..." my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something dropping on the inside, making me a little startled. "What the hell? Just a second, please."

Curious to know what the noise was, I walked up the steps only to find the door lock a little damaged, like it had been shimmied open or something. On high alert, I quickly open the door and find the whole place a mess, and I mean A MESS! Clothes, makeup, shoes, snacks, movies and CDs, even my keyboard were all wrecked and lying on the floor.

"Oh, no!" I cry, hurrying to my keyboard as I look over the tattered remains of what was left of it. "My keyboard! It's broken!"

Jared then entered the cabin and looked around as I cried over my keyboard, feeling so heartbroken over what had happened to it. Keys were lying scattered all over the cabin as Jared checked the place out to be sure nothing or no one was left behind while this break-in occurred.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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