Chapter 13

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Gently being place on this cot, Jared began rummaging through the many chests and boxes that were in here, seemingly looking for something important. He then looked in this old tattered box before smiling and pulling out a warm looking blanket.

"Here we are. This should keep you warm." Jared told me, covering my aching body with the blanket as I watched him nurse me back to health.

"Thank you..." I tell him, my voice very weak and raspy, like I just smoked a bunch of cigarettes.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad I found you before anything serious happened."

Jared then began taking off his shoes and socks, hanging them up on some coat rack before taking off mine in a slow fashion. It did hurt, but my feet really seemed to need that. They were so hot from being inside my shoes for so long that the cold air seemed to really treat them nicely.

However, that was side tracked when I saw Jared removing his shirt and hanging it up next to shoes and socks, causing me to stare point blank at him. I'm not looking because he's half dressed now, but damn, he sure does take good care of himself. The only thing that really bothers me are the tattoos. I mean, it is his body and he can do what he wants to it, but why insist getting tons and tons of tattoos all over his back, chest, arms, and legs? Oh, and one behind his ear. All were interesting, but I'm not a big tattoo girl; it's just plain wrong, in my opinion.

"Okay, I think we're gonna be okay here. Only one problem, though. We don't have any food, we'll have to wait until we get back to camp to get some. Don't worry, the storm shouldn't be that long." Jared told me, sitting down on his knees as he began treating me as best he could.

An hour later, we were both bored out of our minds, the rain hadn't stopped yet, and I was pretty hungry to say the least. Besides, Hannah must be out of her mind with worry about me; how else could Jared known to look for me out here?

"So... What happened? How did you end up down on that alcove?" Jared asked as I just plainly stared out the window.

I remained silent for a moment before answering his question. "I was going for a walk to clear my head after a long night of baking and cleaning, but during my trip I ran into a bear who tried attacking me. Just as I was going to run, I twisted my ankle and fell over the edge – thank God it was only a few feet." I explain as Jared nodded his head.

"A bear attack. I should have made double sure there were no wild animals on the premise. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"It's not your fault, Jared. I shouldn't have been out there that late at night alone. I should've just gone back to my cabin and went to sleep, but no, I had to go for a walk up the mountain."

"Why do you like the mountains so much? What's so special about that place?"

I then went silent again, knowing the obvious reason but it also reminded me of another topic that I've been meaning to share with him. And just as I was about to say something, he cut me off and began apologizing to me.

"Katie, I'm sorry." Jared told me as he sat with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry if I came on to strong; I should've known you had somebody else. A beautiful girl like you always has somebody else, I guess I just dive to deep." he told me as he grew a little sad.

"What do you mean?" I ask, sounding a bit confused by his words.

"Well... During the short time we've known each other... I actually developed feelings for you. I really thought I could take a chance with you, but my brother is right – I give my hopes up without checking the facts first." Jared admitted, making me a little flustered.

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