Chapter 6

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Marching right up to him, I took my song book back from him as he noticed me, ultimately ending his little concert. And he seemed very nervous as I gave this pissed off grin.

"Uh... entertainment's over, everyone. Please enjoy the rest of your day." Jared announced as he laughed nervously towards me. Putting down his guitar, he tried explaining himself. "Katie, I can explain..." was all he got out before I cut him off.

"You stole my song!" I said in a calm but very angry voice.

"Not exactly... I did sing it... and a few others, but I was going to tell you." Jared claimed, backing away in fear as stayed on his toes.

"But still you sang them, and you even confessed it. Considering your main profession, Mr. Leto, I'm sure you are very well aware what happens when you sing someone else's songs without the owners permission?" I say, getting in his face as he began sweating.

"I do, indeed. It's called copyright in fragment, or just plagiarism."

"Yes, that would be it, indeed. Which is a very big consideration of stealing."

Jared then backed against a cabin wall as I stayed right on him, not realizing I was probably giving him what he wanted. Disgusted, I backed off and stood a few inches away with my arms crossed. He then went on to tell me that he was only trying to help spread the word about my music.

"All I wanted to do was help you spread your music, that's all." Jared told me as I began seething.

"Through your voice?!" I respond as I got serious. "This is something that I want to do on my own! I don't need anyone else's help! Don't EVER sing my songs again, understand!"

"Okay, I get it. I'm sorry." Jared said, putting his hands in the air as I turned and walked away.

As I walked away, Jared (surprise) followed me and began asking a whole bunch of questions about why I didn't want his help. An expert musician with a lot of connections as he like to put it.

"Because to be great, is to do it on your own. And I don't need anyone's help to live my dream." I answer as Jared walked backwards in front of me.

"Everyone can use a little help, cause no one likes being alone." Jared claimed as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't mind, and rather enjoy working alone."

"Then you shouldn't seek a career in music, then. Cause in order to reach the top, you need tons of people with connections. Someone..." Jared then let out a slight laugh as he continued, "like me."

I then stopped and put on a smile as I began growing all sarcastic with him, toying with him so to speak. I even got in close again.

"Oh, I need you... Is that what you're implying?" I ask as he smiled as I leaned in close to his face.

"Yeah... You just might." was his response as I giggled before putting my hands on his shoulder.

"Well, then I guess there's only one thing really left to do..." I say, leaning in a little closer before I ditched my smile and pushed him back.

Jared then fell into a huge puddle of mud as mud splatted all over him, making his mouth drop in disbelief. I then stood far enough away from him as I looked down at him with so much hate and anger.

"I DON'T NEED YOU, JARED LETO! I CAN DO THIS ON MY OWN!" I shout as he tried wiping himself off but it only made things worse.

Walking away, I made it a few feet when Jared yelled at me about not needing anyone. "Really?! You don't need anyone? Then tell me this? Who's this handsome young fellow that was hiding in your song book?" he asked, pulling a picture of someone important out of his pocket as he waved it around.

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