Chapter One

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I realise now that the two people, jack and elsa are from different time periods. I don't know what I am going to do about this, so bare with me. I love this story so much and I don't want to give it up now. 


Woah, there's so many people here. I thought as I fly around the Kingdom. Luckily no one can see me, unless Elsa has told someone about me. Doubt it, she never talks to anyone. I decide to fly to her room. As I land on the sill, I can see her pacing the room.

"Elsa!" I say and she smiles at me and opens the window.

"Hello Jack." She says, rather shakily. I slid into the room and turn to face her. She is pale, so pale that her eyes are shining bluer than normal. The room is freezing cold, I guess that's what happens when you put our kind in the same room.

"Hey, I know you're scared-" I start, but she interrupts,

"Scared? Jack I'm terrified! What if blow my cover?! What if they see who I really am? Conceal, don't feel. Don't let it show." She calms herself by reciting what her father taught her. "Will you be there?"

"Of course." I smile. She grins and walks towards her door, pulling it open she calls out,



Control it! I scream in my mind. Anna smiles at me I think, then I see she's looking at a young, red haired, prince looking twit. I look at the Friar. He smiles kindly as he puts the crown on my head. Where are you?! I look around for Jack. I catch his eye, he's standing at the back of the room. Smiling at me. I am about to take the Septor and Sphere when the Friar clears his throat and looks up at me respectfully,

"Your Majesty, the gloves." I hesitate and then slip them off, shaking like a leaf. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Elsa, Queen of Arendelle." Frost emerges from my hands and I look down wildly, my heart pounding but I put the Septor and Sphere down. Phew, that was close. I look around and smile sheepishly after cramming my hands into my gloves, I catch Jack's eye at the back of the room and he smiles softly, shaking his head.


The Reception is alive. People are dancing everywhere. I suggest Anna have a dance with the Duke of Weselton and I do not envy her, stifling giggles as they dance comically around the hall. 

Hours pass, and I soon realise 'parties' are more like trade opportunities. With the help of my royal advisors I manage to make a few decent trade deals, but as they so kindly remind me, I have a long way to go before I am anything like my father before me. I constantly scan the room for any sign of Jack Frost, but for once he is nowhere and I have no one to really talk to. Years cooped up in my bedroom left me with awful social skills, but I guess I was managing well. I stand and watch my people for a little while, before I am called over by the Italian ambassador. I glide across the room to discuss yet more trade deals. That's when I see Anna crash through the crowd. The red headed twit on her arm. I ask for the pardon of the Ambassador before turning to my gasping sister. 

"Elsa, we would like," she begins,

"Your blessing," Oh god, I think, this isn't going well.

"It's short notice, on"

"Our marriage." They manage. She's getting married?! She's younger than me, and they only just met, what is happening?

"What?" I look at her, puzzled. They both begin babbling about seven brothers staying here and them living here, and soup, roast and ice cream. My head suddenly spins. No! This can't happen. "Anna. Can I talk to you, please? Alone." I ask, I am hoping she'll pick up the worry in my eyes. But of course, she says no.

"No, what ever you have to say you can say in front of both of us." She says stepping back to be with Hans, or whatever his name is. Oh lord.

"Okay, fine." I say regaining my cool. I cannot loose it now. "You can't marry a man you just met."

"You can if it's true love!" She argues. I roll my eyes.

"Anna, what do you know about true love?" I ask, which is nothing. She is too young, too innocent. Too pure!

"More than you, all you know is how to shut people out." It is only now I realise the party has stopped. Everyone is looking at me for my reaction, and I can sense Jack watching me, wherever he is. That really hit home, I didn't know I'd hurt her so deeply. Oh Anna, if only you knew. I break the awkward silence by turning to the guards close by me.

"The Party is over, close the gates." I say, turning my back on her.

"What?!" She cries, the servant bows at me and rushed off. "Elsa wait!" She grabs me hand and pulls my glove, so my hand is exposed.

"Give me my glove!" I almost cry. Just get to the door Elsa. Get. To. The. Door!

"No! What is it Elsa?"

"Enough Anna." I groan.

"Why do you shut me out, why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?"

"I said ENOUGH!" And after that, I am aware of the fear that has been trapped inside me, leaving. My hand that is exposed flies out, as do ice shards,

"Elsa..." Anna quietly gasps, but all I can do is stare in horror. I open the door and run out of it, down the corridor. Away. People are chasing me... I keep running until I get to the fjord.


Damn it! Why wasn't I there, what made me sit and watch it all play out? The wind rushes through my silver hair as I run to her. She is stood on the edge of the lake. Thank goodness. She can't go anywhere. Or so I thought. She places her foot on the water and it freezes. Taking a deep breath I watch her run away. She gets to the other side and turns back,

"ELSA!" I call. I think she is crying. Anna is next to me.

"Who...who are you?" She asks.

"Don't worry." I say, SHE CAN SEE ME?! Hans catches up to us, and I leap onto the ice, and run in the same direction Elsa did.

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