chapter nine

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Shaking. My body was shaking. I kissed Jacks partly open lips. Come on! Love can Thaw a frozen heart!

"Jack please. Please. I love you." I cry, tears rolling onto his face. I cradle his head on my lap. Tooth puts her hand on my shoulder and I cry into her shoulder. North removes the shards of ice that are stuck in Jacks chest.

"Elsa, I know what you can do," North says, crouching next to my small frame.

"What?" I sniff. North takes my hand.

"Freeze the wound. The rest will heal on its own. He can't die Elsa. He won't." North smiles. I kiss his cheek and he blushes. North blushing!? I giggle and then hold my hand over Jacks heart. "Concentrate Elsa. Focus on the wound and try to freeze it. It will heal." Norths soothing voice says. I take a deep breath in and focus again. My hand warms them goes ice cold, I don't mind, the cold never bothered me.

I open my eyes.


I look at Jack, hard. And that's when his chest rises up, and he takes a gasp of a breath in.

"Huuuuh!" Jack breathes in, sitting up. He turns back towards me and engulfs me in a big bear hug.

"Jack!" I giggle. He kisses my lips. When he breaks away I smile.

"I love you too!" He laughs. I giggle again and he stands up with me.

"I did it Jack!" I squeal happily. "I defeated Pitch!" Jack laughs.

"Great! That means, we are free from stress!"

"And hassle!" Tooth pipes up. We all laugh and are engulfed in a big bear hug by North. Jack takes my hand and leads me to my room. He shuts the door behind us and pulls me close to him. His lips lightly brushing mine. He was holding back. I grip him and deepen the kiss. Jack pulls me over to the bed and we collapse onto it. I burst out laughing as I land on top of him. He chuckles and kisses me. Them whispers,

"Elsa are you okay?" And that's when I realise I'm crying. I sit up and the tears flood fast and soon I can't breathe. I'm gasping for air and he rubs my back. Puts his arm around me.

"Jack, I thought I'd lost you." I sob into him. He takes my hand and kisses it.

"No. I'm always going to be here." He whispers into my ear. Then, using his index finger, he moves my chin so my face is facing his. "Want to see Anna again?" I grin and nod.


"We can go back in time silly." He laughs and we both stand up and I wrap my arms around his neck, he laughs.

"You'd do that, for me?"

"Of course."


"Ugh Elsa!" I yell at my 5 year old daughter who is chasing her podgy toddler brother around the Drawing Room. "Don't make me get Dad, because I will!" I threaten. She stops and looks at me. She looks like Elsa, my sister, with her fathers blonde hair.

"Was I beckoned?" Kristoff laughs walking in. I smile at him,

"No, no." I wink at Elsa. Suddenly the door burst open and a servant walks in, looking a little exasperated.

"My lady! There is someone here for you by the name of Elsa!" My heart stops. I hitch up my dress and run with the servant to the doors. And there she is. My beautiful sister. She stands with confidence with a man at her side. Jack Frost. Memories of the coronation flood back to me. I cry as we embrace.

"Elsa!" I whisper and she holds me tighter, "it's been years! And you don't look a day older!" I say admiring her.

"Well other than the fact that I'm now immortal, it's only been about a week. We used time travel to get here." Elsa explains holding. Jacks hand. He smiles at her and she smiles back. Pure, true love. Elsa and Olaf come running out of the castle with Kristoff.

"Oh! Hello Elsa, hello Jack!" Kristoff smiles.

"Hello! And who are these angels?" Elsa smiles at Olaf and Elsa.

"These are you niece Elsa and nephew Olaf." I smile. Elsa puts a hand on her heart.

"You named them after our 'adventure'." I nod my head.

They both stay for a dinner but it's when it ends, does the heartbreak begin.

"Elsa please don't go." I beg.

"Anna. I have too. I'll always be here. Always. I love you little sister."

"I love you too." I whisper and then she's gone. Through a portal with Jack. To live her happily ever after.

Test The Limits // jack frost x elsa //Where stories live. Discover now