chapter eight

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I have to go to school again so it's like, ugh *groan*, worst time of the year. Okay I'm done now.

chapter eight

I fold my arms and try to think. What was wrong with me? I swear I had known Jack Frost, but I couldn't have. He isn't real? Suddenly my door flys open and I stand and slam it shut. But there's a tapping at my window, so I rush over to that and inspect it. Urgh, what is going on? I run over the bed and snuggle into it. My brown hair falls across my face and in a fit of anger I rip out the braid. My hair slowly falls across my face as I take deep breaths. I sense someone in the room, except I can't see them. Did I have a sixth sense or something? I flop back onto my bed and begin to cry. Something from my life is definitely missing, and I want it back. Desperately.


Her hair is long and crimped, seeing as she ripped out her beautiful braid in anger, I sit next to her on the bed. I put my arm around her, not on her just hovering so it doesn't go through, and she looks up.

"Elsa?" I try. She doesn't hear me, she just flops onto the bed and begins to cry. "I'm here Elsa. I'm here. I'll always be here. You just... You just gotta believe in me and the sadness will go." I cross my legs on the bed and we both don't make a sound for a while. It begins to rain outside. Thunder cracks, and Elsa squeals. I want to hug Her and tell her not to be scared, but I can't. She gets up and goes to her dresser, slipping out of her dress so she's stood in her undergarments. I turn away, to give her some privacy. She gets into a night dress, and walks over to her bed and snuggles up. I blow her a kiss and walk out.


"Oh, hey, North." I mutter. He pats my shoulder,

"We have a plan!" He smiles at me. I look at him and he nods. We both walk to the World Room lets call it, where Tooth, Sandman and Bunny are standing by.

"Is it true Jack!?" Bunny exclaims first. I nod. "Oh I'm so sorry mate." He sympathises. I shrug it off.

"So! You have a 'plan'?" I ask, they all nod eagerly.

"Jack, she hasn't forgotten you, she just doesn't believe." North says.

"Think I don't know this? What is your point cuz it's making me feel worse." I snap.

"Well, we need to make her believe." Tooth says, Sandman nods.

"How..." I can't think straight.

"Well you need to show her your magic skills and then we'll help by saying that you are in the room and we will coach her to believe in you!" Tooth is breathless after saying all that really fast.

"I'm sorry what?" I said blinking a few times.

"We will coach her to believe if you start by showing her your powers." North says a little slower. I nod.

"OK, let's do this." I smile. Tooth grins and bunny goes and fetches Elsa. She's in one of my hoodies. Except she's melted the frost on it. She looks sweet in a thin white skirt and big blue hoodie over her.


"Mmm?" She responds to Norths voice.

"Can you look over there for me." North points and me and nods.

"Okay?" Elsa says and stares at me. I make a few snowflakes in my hands and she smiles.

"Wow! Now what?" My heart sinks. She didn't get it.

"Elsa do you know what that was?" Bunny pipes up. She nods,


"Do you know who made the magic?" He asks.


"It was Jack Frost."

"Really!?" She grins. "Well where is he?" She looks behind her and North beckons me over.

"He's stood in front of you." North explains.

"What? Oh!" Elsa exclaims.


Jack! He's back! Suddenly it all floods back. The pain in the sleigh and his face disappearing.

"Elsa?" He ask leaning forward. I smile and grab his head and crash my lips into his. He kisses me back after a few seconds deepening the kiss. After a minute or two North clears his throat and we part.

"I've missed you!" I smile, a tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb, smiling.

"I've always been next to you. You just didn't see me." He smiles again before there's a huge crack.

It's Pitch, and he's here for the final battle. Jack clutches me tightly. I feel so defenceless.

"Jack let me fight him!"

"No, he'll kill you! I don't want you dead." He says pulling my closer.

"Jack I have no power how can I bring hurt? I can't be frozen because I am still immune. The winds don't work on me because I have left fighting these powers WITHIN me. Now they are out here, I can battle them outside of my body. My hands." He looks at me and thinks for a moment. He kisses my lips,

"Okay." He says after it, "remember love can thaw a frozen heart. And I love you."

"I love you too, how long will I love you? As long as stars are above you." I smile and he releases me. I take a deep breath and walk towards Pitch Black. He is standing on top of the world, like a bully casting over the innocent ones.

"Elsa! I can't tell you how happy I am too see you!" Pitch booms. I smirk.

"Of course."

"But where is frost?" He smirks. I point to Jack.

"There!" Pitch looks stunned.

"How...? Oh whatever let's get this over with."







"Elsa! You're .... Glowing blue!" Tooth gasps, I keep my eyes squeezed shut.







I feel the power I always have had stirring inside me and yell, "guardians! Duck!" I scream as the power is released from my heart.

Pitch falls ... it struck him.

"That ... Is impossible!" He yells getting up.

"That perfect girl is gone! Here I stand in the light of day, let the storm rage on. THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY PITCH BLACK! I've lived in fear all my life! Hiding from people who could hurt me, never loving or letting anyone in, when I should've been shutting out, you! Not letting you in!" I scream and more blue jets out of my hands, and I aim them at him. He falls and I see wisps of snow coming from him.

"No!" He exclaims crawling forward. My power is returned to me and I watch as what I am wearing returns to the ice dress and my hair pales once again, I am no longer Anna. I am Elsa. Snow Queen.

"It's over Pitch." I feel people behind me and know. Then Sandman whips the weak Pitch and he is gone. For good I hope.

I turn and see Jack isn't there. Where is he?

"ELSA!" Someone screams, tooth! I run to her and she is kneeling next to something. As I get closer I see what it is.


And I see the ice in his heart. I struck him....

Test The Limits // jack frost x elsa //Where stories live. Discover now