Chapter Two

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Oh Elsa. I think as I trudge through the snowy forest. There goes summer. I had probably been wandering in this desolate forest for the last hour, searching for Elsa. God only knows what could happen to her out here. There were wolves and whatever the hell else. Something blue and shimmering suddenly catches my eye, I look up to the tallest mountain and see it, an ice castle. ELSA! Hope bubbles inside of me, but before I can move, I see a black horse trotting through the trees, and I realise, that is no ordinary horse. It's one of Pitch's minions. I break into a run, I know what he wants, North warned me around about a year ago. He wants Elsa's powers. Instead of travelling on foot, I yell into the air,

"WIND! Take me to Elsas ice castle on the Mountain."

When I arrive at the door, a little unsteadily, nerves flood through me. What if she hates me. Before knocking, I take a moment to appreciate the beauty of her new home. It is gorgeous, the ice shines pink in the dawning sun, all of it flawless. Who knew she had such strength and beauty in her powers? I push the door lightly with my hand, stepping inside. 

"Hello...?" I call out. No sign of Elsa. I am about to give up and turn around when someone makes a noise.

"Jack!" I turn, and there she is. Elsa. Her hair is in a fishtail plait and her dress has been replaced by a ice crystal dress. She looks stunning.

"Wow." I lose my breath. She smiles and blushes, walking down a icy staircase, I meet her in the middle. As I take a step towards her, the blush goes and she takes a slight step back.

"Jack, you need to leave. I don't want to hurt you. Please go. You shouldn't have come!" She pleas. I lean against my staff, no I won't leave. I can't.

"No, Elsa. I can't do that." I walk up more stairs towards her and she doesn't make any motion to walk away, "you won't hurt me. You know what I can do. What I am. Trust me."

"Jack...I'm scared. Of them coming to get me. Of me hurting them. They'll tell their children of the evil Snow Queen." She cries. I open my arms and she runs into me and cries into my chest.

"They don't know the real you Elsa. I do. Come back with me...with me." I say soothingly. She shakes her head and cries more. I rub her back and kiss her temple softly. She still cries. Using my index finger I lift her chin so her face is up and facing mine. "Please." 

"They cannot see you Jack, I am alone."

"You have never been alone, my sweet Queen. Please come back with me before this whole thing gets out of hand." My heart is pounding and I can feel hers against my chest, hammering away. 

"Why?" She asks, looking up at me, "They will just kill me. They'll kill you too if you show them what you can do." She sobs. I have nothing left to say, I just want to make it okay for her. 

"Elsa...." And then I lean in, she hesitates before leaning in also and in a matter of seconds we are kissing. It lasts a good minute. Soft snow flakes fall around us. Her lips are surprisingly warm and very soft. I'm kissing Elsa, the girl who I watched grew up. I wiped her teachers when she cried and I kissed her hands when she lost control. I stroked her hair when she had nightmares about Anna getting hurt and soothed her back to sleep. She was my Elsa.


His lips tasted of mint. I had wanted to do this for so long. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my hands wander into his hair. We don't break away. I bite his lip slightly and he chuckles. When we break for air, he rests his forehead against mine.

"If you won't go back, run away with me." He whispers. I want to agree so badly. I can't abandon Anna. With me here she can come to me if she needs me. I've shut the doors on her all our lives.

"I can't. I'm sorry Jack." I whisper back. He lets me go.

"For gods sake Elsa! Forget about them. They don't care!" He realises what he has said and claps his hand over his mouth. But he's said it. No they don't care. He's right, and I have to accept that. All they want to do is shackle me up and forget about me. "Elsa I'm so sorry."

"Jack..." I let go and turn away from him, I don't want to see him. I start to walk away but he calls me again, and I reluctantly turn to him, tears brimming in my eyes. 

"Please, I can't live without you." He holds out his hand.

"Then leave Arendelle altogether. Don't return and forget about me." I cry, and turn sharply and leave. Jack protests but using some strong wind, I push him out of my new home.

"ELSA!" He calls but I don't respond. I never will anymore. We can't be together. We both want different things. No. Forget about him, Elsa. The door knocks again and I hope it's Jack. Coming back to get me, but it's Anna.

"Anna!" I smile brightly, as though nothing has happened. I can still taste Jack on my lips. 


I didn't move around a lot. I stay around the castle, out of sight but around. I saw Anna and her friends get kicked out of Elsa's castle. I laugh when I see them running. It's no use though. Elsa has made it clear. She doesn't want me here. She doesn't love me.

But that kiss.

Oh shut up. I can't believe I am arguing myself.

I've never felt that with a woman. Never. We have something.

Oh shut up will you.

I am in a deep argument with myself and don't see Hans and some men walking up to the castle. They have swords and guns. I am about to go and help her when,

"Hello Jack."

"Pitch!" I hiss and turn around, he smirks in his evil way.

"She is stubborn isn't she. Oh Jack. She doesn't love you and you need to face it, no one ever will. How will you feel when you are this age and she is dying?" Pitch cackles and I see Elsa lead in a bed, dying and me stood there unable to help her. She is old and I am young, I shake my head to remove the nightmarish vision Pitch has forced into my head. It was only a matter of time before he came back for the Guardians. When I am able to break through the vision, a furious rage takes over me.

"NO," I attempt to kill Pitch but he dodges my attacks. He laughs.

"Oh jack. You haven't been looking at your beloved. See? Hans has killed her look." I turn around and see he has been telling the truth. Whatever he did in the castle has resulted with her laying in his arms. Her eyes closed and body limp. No. I drop to the floor and snow envelops me. Pitch goes with a cackle. "She's mine now Jack Frost."

I want to move but I am frozen with grief.

The only woman to ever have any relationship with me is gone. If she does live Pitch will surely use her for the powers she has or kill her to get to me. Oh Elsa. I wish you had come with me... And then comes the nightmares as sleep creeps up on me.

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