Light of my Life

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Male! Asu Rito x Reader




How? How was this guy so happy all the time? 

"Hey (F/n) do you want to go with me on a jog on the track?"

"(F/n) do you want to take a bike ride through Shisuta town?"

And why was he so interested in you?

These thoughts wandered through your head while you were in class daydreaming. What was the deal with Asu? Why did he want to spend time with you because wasn't he interested in that girl who always sits by the fountain? What was her name? Taro Yamada right?

"Umm (F/n)?" A voice suddenly interrupted your train of thought. You look up and bubbly blond in the flesh giving you confused look. "What are you still doing here it's almost time to go home for the day." You look up at him and then at the clock on the wall. It's almost 6 pm and pretty much everyone has gone home at this point. Your face then flushed with embarrassment and you quickly jumped up from your seat and collected your things.

Asu giggled as you try and scramble for your things. He always found you as a very endearing and unique person. He wanted to know you better and asked you to hang out with him a lot but you always said you were busy or didn't have the time. Did you hate him? Did he weird you out or something? These thoughts roamed around in his head, he hoped they weren't true. 

As you finished getting your things together you look back at Asu who seemed to be in deep thought."Asu? Are you okay?" He jumped and shook his head. "Y-yeah I'm fine (F/n) I was just thinking about the sports club that's all." You giggled at how nervous he was. "You're to cute for your own good." Your thoughts said. "What d-did you say (F/n)?" Asu said with a warm blush rising to his round cheeks. I'm sorry did I say thoughts, yeah I meant thoughts and mouth.

You just wanted to run out of that class room and book it to your house after that. But you knew if you did that Asu would catch up with in less then a second. There was no escape for you, and you had to face it. "I said you're to cute  for your own good." You just wanted to hide forever.

Asu just looked at you in awe. The person that he likes just called him cute. He may seem calm on the outside but on the inside he just wanted to grab you and swing you around in a hug forever and call you the cutie. But he knew if he did that you would freak out so he kept calm for now.

"Look Asu f-forget I said anything okay...I really need to go home now." You tried to make your grand escape but Asu ain't having that! 

Asu grabbed your wrist before you were able to dash out. "W-wait (F/n)! I think you're cute too!" He said without thinking. Both of you started blushing so hard that you both can be mistaken for two tomatoes. "W-WHAT?!?!" "U-um I-I mean--ughhh!!" You were becoming a blushing mess along with Asu from what he just spewed from his mouth. 

"Alright timeout!" "W-what?" You looked up at Asu. "Sorry I always say that at practice and it just came out!" He yelled with a very embarrassed look his face. "Asu look I'm sorry I started this whole mess I-" "No don't be sorry!" He yelled cutting you off. "W-what why not!? AGH I'm soo confused!!" "Me too!" You then both started laughing and looked at each other in the eyes. "W-well I guess this is okay, we got one thing in common!" You said with an embarrassed look on your face. "I guess we do!"

"Hey (F/n)?" "Yeah" "Do you mind if I walked you home, as an apology of some sort?" You looked at him with a shy smile. "N-not at all Asu." 

In the end you both agreed to stay friends for the time being so you can both get to know each other better, and also you guys wanted to wait until you were both ready for a serious relationship. People may find that weird but you two had the willpower to wait until the other was ready.  But you knew that your spark for Asu will never go out because he was the light of your life.




Wow,okay! Hey guys sorry this took so long to write I literally had no ideas for this one for a long time! And btw I hope you guys spotted that little reference! Anyways guys I hope you all have a Happy New Year and until next time peace!

Next: Male! Amai Odayaka x Reader

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