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Americas POV:
I know it shouldn't bug me, but when Kriss and Maxon spend time together I get so jealous. That should be me he's laughing with, not her. I guess I'm being silly. He really likes me, right?


Maxons POV:
We have to do this stupid photo shoot thing today. I have to pose for pictures with each girl and then the public vote for who they think I should end up with. What does it matter what they think, it's my choice... I look at the list. I'm due to take a photo with Kriss soon. She's chosen for her photos to be on a pale cream sofa in the hall. She's wearing a pretty light yellow dress. She really does look nice. I pose for the photos and for the final one she works up the courage to...

Kriss' POV:
I was taking my photos with Maxon and on the last photo I did something very unexpected for me. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. The photographer snapped the camera right there and then. I blushed but was so pleased with myself for making a move. After I did it he laughed slightly, not in an awkward way, but not in an 'I want you to kiss me again' way either. What does this mean?

Maxons POV:
I still can't believe Kriss Kissed my cheek. It was so unexpected. I have my photos with Mer next, I better go get ready...


When it was time for mine and Americas picture she'd chosen to have them out in the gardens, by the fountain. She was wearing a emerald green dress, which really bought out her hair and eyes. She smiled at me "you ready?"

Sorry this one was a short chapter guys, they should be getting longer again! xD

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