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   "If they only knew you, the true you, they'd be in love with you, to the blue moon."

My address.

I had given her my address.

We were going to meet, Tuesday of next week, at my house. Today was Sunday, which meant that I had today, and Monday after school to prepare. I was all over the place today, running out to the store and buying all the spicy chips I could find, and cleaning every inch of the house. I know I looked crazy, but everything had to be perfect. I even cleaned out Mom and Dad's office; you never know, she might get lost in here and wander into there. I wouldn't want her to see unorganized papers everywhere..what would she think of me, and my family? First impressions were everything. 

"Boy, can you stop doing my job?"

Dropping the couch cushion, I stood up, Mattie walking into the room with a feather duster. She grinned at me, and came over and kissed my cheek. "What's her name, honey bun?" Looking into Mattie's wrinkled face, she let out a laugh. "You're already blushing, and you didn't even tell me her name!" I placed my hands to my cheeks, and they were indeed, hot. I turned away from her, "It's no one." I knew damn well that it was her. Mattie sighed, "Okay, I guess I'll just tell Monroe, that you're cancelling for Tuesday afternoon.

I froze.

Whipping around, Mattie stood there with her hands on her hip, a smirk on her face. "Don't you try to lie to me, Black. Don't forget, I've been the one raising you, mhm." I nodded, smiling. "Can you make us those mini hot-dogs? I think she would like them." Just mentioning her set my body on fire. I didn't even know where to start on describing her. I was still nervous about her coming over, I mean, what if she decided that she didn't like me and asked to switch partners? I really wanted to get to know her, but I was afraid that I was going to do something wrong. What if I buy her something that she's allergic to and ruin my chances?

No one understands how important this is to me. This could make or break me. Maybe I was just over reacting? Monroe probably lives in a house this size! So this wouldn't be anything new to her! I mean...hopefully it wouldn't. Mattie told me that all Blooms didn't live in gigantic houses. Some of them referred snug little homes. Maybe she lived in a home like that? That made me wonder..who would be dropping her off on Tuesday? Maybe her Mom..or her Dad? Maybe even a protective older brother? 

For the rest of the day, I spent my time cleaning up the house with Mattie, and we even went to the store to get a few things for Monroe's arrival Tuesday afternoon. Like always, my parents arrived home late, just as we finished dinner. I was too tired from all the work I did earlier in the day to care though, so I just grabbed a can on Pringles of the counter and headed up stairs to go to bed. Once my body hit those sheets, I was out like a light. 

You could imagine how sluggish and tired I felt at school. My muscles were killing me. I almost couldn't keep my eyes open during class. Now, I was roaming the halls, asking people if they had seen Monroe. They gave me crazy looks, telling me that they had no idea who she was. That was absurd. How could they not know who she was? Monroe was like a goddess, if they hadn't seen her before they were over looking the most gorgeous being to walk this Earth. I continued walking on down the hall, and spotted Monroe coming my way with her friend, Joshua. 

I noticed that she had a new bag, a black one, with these little white flowers on them. It looked cute on her, and I wondered who had gotten it for her. Either way, everything she graced with her presence was a good look for her, in my eyes. Upon walking closer to her, my heart begin to flutter, and my stomach begin to do flips and tricks. I hated the feeling she gave me..when she was here, I was on cloud nine, but when she left, I was left with an empty feeling. 

No one would understand how I felt, except for her. But I didn't have the courage, or the confidence to express the way I felt to her. I wasn't even sure if I'd ever be able to do it. The simple thought of it made me nervous, and afraid. What if she only saw me as a friend? That would crush me, but I hope it wouldn't break me too bad. I made eye contact with Monroe, and to my surprise, she looked away from me. Her and Joshua stopped walking, and I approached her, with a smile. Hopefully, my nerves wouldn't get the best of me...

"Hey Monroe," I breathed, getting her attention. She gave me a small smile, "Hi Josiah." I took a deep breath. So far, I hadn't stuttered. Just keep your cool, Josiah..everything will be alright. "I just wanted to know if you were still coming over, Tuesday." I tried to say my words slowly, so I wouldn't jumble them up and make a fool out of myself. Monroe's eyes lit up, the deep, chocolate color coming to life. I briefly looked towards Joshua, and his eyebrow was raised, staring at me intently. 

Now that I think about it..Monroe and Joshua were always together. Wherever one of them was, the other wasn't too far away. Maybe Joshua was the protective older brother I had to worry about? My heart raced at the image of him ripping me to shreds, if I had done wrong to Monroe. Joshua wasn't skinny, not in the least bit. He was muscular, and built. He could surely rip me in half, if he tried. I wasn't exactly the spitting image of muscular.. 

I could still feel Joshua's eyes on me as I looked at Monroe. Even though I was wearing shades, I still felt intimidated. Monroe stepped closer to me, and her vanilla scent filled my nose. Oh my god. "Of course! I'm still coming. I can't wait to get started, partner." She patted my chest, and I almost gave way. The emphasis she gave on partner made my head spin. Every word she said dripped with perfection. 

I've said this so many times, but each time, it's so new to me. 

Monroe Tucker is perfect.

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