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                                          ¹⁹ ⁻ ⁿᵉʷ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ.

I tried to be as still as I could, so Josiah could get his painting right. "Monroe, you can't keep wiggling," he scolded, looking at me. I giggled, "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to standing this still." I was holding a small statue of a lion in my hands, while Josiah painted away. I was helping him work on his art project, which he was doing at the last minute. I always tell him not to be such a procrastinator, but he never listens - it just goes in one ear, and out the other. 

So far, our relationship was going great. It had been about a week or two, and I feel so relaxed around him. I don't have to try to hold it in. Everything between us is perfect, really. We haven't been out as a couple in public, yet, and I was slightly afraid how everyone would take it. I mean, Josiah so well known, and I..well, I..wasn't. We had already told our families, but Josiah hasn't broken the news to his parents that I'm a Wilt. 

"You two are so cute," I heard Mattie's voice. Looking over my shoulder, she gave me a soft smile. Joshua rolled his eyes, and I stuck my tongue out at him. "So do you have a little girlfriend, huh, Joshua?" Mattie asked him. He began to choke on his popcorn, and Josiah and I laughed. Joshua did tell me about this girl he's crushing on, Macy Andrews. Macy was pretty girl, who Joshua said was in most of his classes. She had light skin, and long, flowing hair. She had these big, gray eyes, and she had a mousy personality. Just the perfect girl for Joshua. Whenever someone mentioned her, his cheeks lit up, and his eyes sparkled. It was so cute. 

"Okay, I'm finished!" Josiah grinned, and I placed down the statue. I rubbed my wrists, bending my arms. If I was stuck there holding that statue any longer, my arms were probably going to give out. I walked around, standing back to look at the painting. I felt Josiah's arms slip around my waist, and he nuzzled his face in my neck. "Do you like it?" He asked. 

I nodded, "It's perfect. I think you'll get the best grade in your class." Josiah had painted a grassland, the white lion statue surrounded by pretty, little blue flowers. "Thanks, Monroe." He turned me around to face him, placing a soft kiss on my lips. Every time he kissed me, my lips tingled. It was crazy, I swear, my lips were sometimes tingling for hours, just from one small kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he smiled. 

"Can y'all stop being love birds for a minute, jeez," Joshua sighed. 

I rolled my eyes, and pulled out of the embrace. I began to gather my things, fitting my scarf around my neck. Josiah helped me put my jacket on, and pulled me toward him. "You sure you don't want me to drive you guys home?" I nodded, hugging him tightly. I slipped my bag on my shoulder, and Josiah walked us towards the door. Joshua and I exited, and we started our walk back home. 

On the way home, it felt a little awkward. I had a feeling he had something to ask me, but I didn't want to press him. He suddenly stopped, turning to me. "Uh.." he started to open his mouth, "How does it..how does it feel to be kissed?" His cheeks flushed red, and I started to smile. "You haven't had your first kiss?" His cheeks seemed to turn even redder. "Aww, Joshie!" I jumped up and down, and he rolled his eyes.

"Can you just t-tell me?"

I stopped, placing my hands on his shoulders. He took a deep breath, and I shrugged. "I can't really tell you, Joshua. I think it's different for everyone." He sighed at my response, and I gave him a soft smile. "Why'd you ask?" He bit his lip, "Because..I want to ask Macy on a date..but I don't know how to..and what if we kiss and I make a fool out of myself?" I pulled him into a hug, "Don't worry about that! When the times comes, I think you'll be able to ask her." He sighed, and we continued walking down the road. 

Today was such a nice day, I'm pretty sure the boys would be outside, playing football. They had recently picked it f=up from some other boys at school, and they were going at it, like professional players. One of those boys were going to end up falling down to hard. Anyway, I made sure to go into Gerold's getting some medicine for Mary. King was a little under the weather, and he was coughing and sneezing all over himself, and other things. He had slept in my room last night, since he was whining about it. 

Turning the corner, I could hear the boys screaming and hollering already. Thomas was watching them, on the steps, a book in his lap. He had a soft smile on his face, and waved at us as we walked up. "Enjoying the game?" I asked him. He nodded, "Alexander and the others invited me to watch." I was happy that he was getting comfortable with the other boys. I didn't like him being inside day after day, he needs the fresh air. Joshua lingered around with the boys, while I walked in. 

"Mary, I'm home!" 

I dropped my bag near the door, Mary coming out to greet me. "Hi, sweetie!" she kissed my forehead, hugging me. It seemed like she was in such a good mood, and that was nice. Maybe she was relaxed, since all the kids were off doing their own thing. She took my hand, "We have a new addition to our little family, here.."

"Really, who is it?"

This ignited my curiosity. No one's been dropped off here for years. I was the last person to arrive. Mary led me to the kitchen, and I froze. 

"Calvin, meet Monroe."

I choked. I wanted to scream, and my heart had dropped to my stomach.


He was standing right there. 

His eyes slightly widened while he looked at me, and I took in his features. He hadn't changed, one bit. His dreads hung down to his shoulders, his eyebrow piercing and lip piercing still in the same spots, just like I had remembered. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't even say anything, I just looked at him, completely horrified. I wouldn't dare give him the opportunity to see me cry, though.

I stepped back, and he smiled, coming closer to me. "Monroe, Calvin's going to be going to school with you and Joshua." I bit my lip, and he took my hand, sending my mind throughout flashbacks. I was shaking, and he kissed my hand lightly. 

"It's so nice to see you again, Monroe."

note: picture of Calvin provided

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