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                                                    ¹⁰ ⁻ ˡᵒᵒᵏ.

                "Every time I see you, it's like a breath of fresh air."

I was awoken by a clothes being thrown in my face. I shot up, to see Joshua standing at the foot of the bed, already dressed and prepared for school. He gave me a smile, and pointed towards his bathroom. I looked at the clock on his nightstand, and sprang out of his bed, going into his bathroom. The clock had read seven thirty-five, and school started at eight, sharp. See, this is what not sleeping in my own bed gets me. Joshua had me up, almost until sunrise, because he was snoring. In his bathroom, I stripped down, laying my clothes out, and proceeded to get in the shower. I couldn't find any regular soap, so I was stuck using one of his several manly body washes. It didn't smell half bad, but I wouldn't smell like vanilla today. I'd be smelling like Attractive Musk. Once I finished my short shower, I brushed my teeth while pulling my clothes on. 

Opening the door, Joshua stood there, holding my bag. He slipped it over my head, adjusting it on my shoulder. I checked to see if I had everything inside, and I did. I looked at the clock, and it read seven forty-five. Joshua and I raced down the stairs, and I grabbed a Pop Tart, not bothering to waste time to heat it up in the toaster. Mary was probably busy with getting the other kids ready for school, so we went ahead and left. The walk to school would probably make us late, so Joshua and I did what we always did when we were on the verge of being late; we ran. Unfortunately, I decided to wear boots today, so I had to hitch a ride on Joshua's back. 

I didn't notice how fast of a runner he was, until now. He was almost like a cheetah, the buildings we passed by were almost blobs of color. My hair whipped around in the wind, Joshua keeping a tight hold under my thighs. Almost in a flash, we were at school, arriving mere seconds before the bell rang. Joshua kneeled down, and I climbed off his back, standing face to face - well, face to chest with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing up on my tip-toes to hug him. 

"I'll see you in sixth period, alright?" 

He nodded, and we departed our separate ways. I was concerned for Joshua, almost all the time. I mean, since he's schedule's been changed, he has no one in his classes to be comfortable with. I just don't want anyone to try to take advantage of him, since he gets so paranoid in situations where he has to speak, in front of people he barely knows. I know that no one would physically try to harm Joshua, but mentally, that was another thing. Sure, Joshua might be strong on the outside, but on the inside..I'm not so sure. 

Walking towards my first class of the day, I heard someone call my name. I turned around, and wanted to just drop, right there. Rahiem. This boy could annoy the living daylights out of anyone. Now don't get me wrong, Rahiem was a nice person, he was also kind of cute. He had white, pearly teeth, and soft dimples in his cheeks, a combination that would make any girl swoon. Now that I think about it, I think he hangs around Josiah. Noticing that I had stopped moving, Rahiem hurried his pace, a smile on his face. "Hey, Monroe," he stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking at me. 

"Yes, Rahiem?" 

"You know, since we have Health together, mind if I walk you to class?" 

I shrugged, and began walking again. I had no idea why Rahiem wanted to walk with me. We've never talked. We've have two classes together, and he's never talked to me before, why now? He wasn't even keeping up with me, so it was really no use of asking to walk me to class. Anyway, once I reached the class, I took my seat all the way in the back, and prepared myself for a boring lecture on the human body, and all it's functions. 

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