ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ЗO ☛ ᴘʜᴀʀᴀᴏʜ.

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                                          ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ЗO ☛ ᴘʜᴀʀᴀᴏʜ.

                           "I promise, I'll be there, whenever you need me." 

I stared at him in disbelief. That couldn't be true! From what I had seen, Josiah's parents were closer than regular parents, heck, they even worked together! But that doesn't mean that they really, really loved each other..they could've just been staying together for Josiah's sake. He sighed, rubbing his eyes. I didn't want to press the situation, but I was curious as to why his parents were divorcing. 

"My mom had an affair," he said, answering my question. He looked down into his lap, taking the last hit from his blunt before he put it out. He ran his hand through his hair, laying his head in my lap. "She said that they weren't connecting, like they used to." I rubbed his arm, Josiah closing his eyes. "What do you think is going to happen to them?" He shrugged, "Dad said that he was going to move out, but Mom begging him not to. I wasn't supposed to hear their argument, but I did, and left in a huff. Now I feel stupid..I destroyed all my paintings.."

I rubbed his back, "It's alright, it's alright. Don't beat yourself up.." He took a deep breath, and for a while, we sat there, in silence. I was trying to think of ways to cheer him up, but they all seemed silly in my head. I bit my lip, and sighed. "How about we paint something?" I questioned, lacing our hands together. He shook his head, "I'm not in the mood.."

"Really?" Painting was Josiah's thing. He was so good, everything about his paintings was simply flawless. I hope that when we moved in together, his paintings would decorate the walls. I hope he really pursues his dream of being an artist, he really has potential. I'm not just saying that because he's my boyfriend, I really mean that. He nodded, sitting up. "Well, maybe I'll just paint, then.." I got up, going over to the overturned easel. I set it back up in the right place, and placed a canvas in it, getting some paint. First, I just splashed it on the canvas, splotches of red paint beginning to appear. I looked over my shoulder at Josiah, and he simply gave me a blank stare. 

I giggled, bending down to get another color. I randomly dragged the brush across the canvas, leaving odd strokes throughout the red splotches. I picked up a bigger brush, mixing orange and green together, getting an ugly, sickening color. I began to dot that all over the canvas, and looked over my shoulder at Josiah again, noticing that same, blank stare on his face. He started to smirk, "I'm impressed, that's better than the other times you've attempted to paint." 

My mouth dropped, and I turned on my heel, coming over to him. "Oh really?" I questioned, sliding the paintbrush down the bridge of his nose. He looked shocked, and I giggled at his frustration. "Did you..?" I nodded, "I can paint very well, right?" He rolled his eyes, and snatched the paintbrush from me, painting a big, messy J on the fabric of my shirt. I gasped, shoving him. "Josiah, why?!" It was going to take years to probably get this paint out! He smiled, "Don't act like that, you can always wash the shirt, silly." 

I pushed him lightly, and he pulled me in close to him, kissing my nose. I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him. I placed my head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his light scent. He wrapped his arms around me, and we rocked from side to side. "I'm really sorry about your parents.." I told him, looking at him. He shrugged, "We'll be alright. Besides, I have you, don't I?" I blushed, nodding. It was crazy how Josiah made me feel. 

He was really the first boy I've ever done things like this with. Josiah and I connected on another level, like..he understood me, just like I understood him. When I got around him, I found myself at a loss to say anything to him, I try so hard to make myself not look a complete idiot, but he finds it cute when I stumble over my words. It's really the little things he does, that drive me head over heels for him. And to think that I thought he was going to expose me to the whole school. 

I could hear Josiah's heart beating in his chest, and I looked at him. He was staring down at me, biting on his bottom lip. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He took my hand, kissing it lightly. "It's crazy how you make me feel. It's like I'm on another planet when I'm with you. I kind of..used to watch you during lunch, driving myself insane over your beauty..I'm starting to think that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.." His words made my heart race, and I knew that I had blushed. He was always complimenting me, it had taken some getting used to. He was really too sweet for his own good. 

I hugged him tightly, and he kissed the top of my head. I was a few inches shorter than him, me being right up under his chin. Josiah had gotten me thinking..he was the only boy I trusted on this level, besides Joshua. He was thinking about spending the rest of his life with me. Me, of all girls. Josiah was beyond cute, he had talent, and his personality was everything. Girls practically throw themselves at him..but he wants me.

I didn't think bad of myself, I had confidence in myself, and high self esteem, I guess. I just didn't have a talent. Maybe I did, but I haven't discovered it yet. But I like to stay in the background, in the shadows. I wasn't big on being in the center of attention..I didn't see how those cheerleaders did it. Maybe I was just a bit anti-social, like Mary says. 

I felt Josiah's hands slip down to my lower back, and he smiled at me. "This might be crazy..but do you want to high again?" My eyes widened, and he let me out of our embrace, and I watched him as he walked towards the kitchen, pulling open the drawer under the sink. He pulled out a small baggie, and some rolling papers, closing the drawer back while he set everything up on the counter. He looked up at me, raising his eyebrows. 

"You want to, or no?" he asked, and I shook my head. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it, because I literally went crazy my first time. I was fine with him smoking it though, I wasn't that worried. He said he only did every once in a while, and that was fine with me. As long as he wasn't going off the deep end, I was alright with this. I watched him light it, and he took a puff, blowing the smoke into the air. Soon enough, he was in his own little world, painting away on his canvases. I watched him quietly, playing in his soft curls. 

Sunlight poured in from the windows, bathing his soft features in its light. He painted carefully, and precisely, not making any mistakes. He wiped his face every once in a while, rubbing paint onto his cheek. Sometimes, he would stop, looking at his work. It was all beginning to come together, and I realized that he was painting the bridge. He had every little detail correct, it was flawless. He looked over his shoulder at me, and I gave him a soft smile. 

"Hey..do you ever think..that we won't be separated anymore, one day?" 

I shrugged. "Maybe, hopefully we'll come together one day. I don't today will be the day, though.." He nodded, and put his paintbrush down. "I almost forgot, I wanted to give you something." He got up, going over to the bed. He pulled something from under the pillow, holding it tightly in his hand. Josiah came back over to me and kneeled down, behind me. "What is it?" I asked him, curious. "Just close your eyes." 

I did as told, and I felt him place something around my neck, and it felt kind of heavy. I knew it was a necklace, but I wondered what was on the end of it. "Okay, open your eyes." I opened them up, and my mouth dropped open, looking at Josiah. He smiled, "Do you like it?" Looking down at the ring on the chain of my necklace, it looked just like an engagement ring, with one diamond right in the middle. He chuckled, "I was going to give it you when you moved it, but I couldn't wait." My mouth was still wide open, and I pulled him into a hug, "Thank you!"

It was so sparkly, and shiny, just like something for a princess. 

"Don't worry, it's not real, my parent's would've freaked out." He chuckled. I smiled, "It's still perfect regardless." He pulled me into his lap, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Where should the flowers go?" he asked, looking down at me. I tilted my head, staring at what he had so far.

"Maybe, it can be flower petals falling down from the sky?" I suggested. I thought it would bring it all together. "And you can mix the lively petals with the not so lively petals." He kissed my forehead, "Perfect." He kept one arm around my waist, while he painted my ideas onto the canvas. He was soon finished, and sighed. "Finished." 

He looked down at me, "I want to tell you something, Mo'." 

I raised my eyebrows at him, adjusting in his lap. "What is it?" He leaned in close to my ear, kissing my temple. 

"I love you."

~ Monroe's necklace on the side c: 

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