ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ɝל ☛ ᴅᴇғᴇɴsɪᴠᴇ.

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                                  ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ɝל ☛ ᴅᴇғᴇɴsɪᴠᴇ. 

Turning around, Michael stood at the entrance to the commons, his hands tucked in his pockets. He looked directly at me, and he smirked, winking at me. I heard Josiah growl behind me, and I looked away from him, into my lap. I could feel the tension in the room. It was suffocating, almost. Michael began to walk over to our table, taking slow, precise footsteps. He slid in the chair right new to me, gently brushing my knee with his hand. I scooted my chair away from him, and Michael snickered. 

"Well, modern day Romeo and Juliet, how was your morning?" 

I squeezed my legs together tightly, biting my lip. With Michael sitting next to me, I felt terribly uncomfortable. Since it was only the three of us in here, anything could go down and no one would be here to stop it. Josiah was tapping his fingers on the table, and I could hear him shaking his leg, too. I was unsure of what was running through his head. I've never seen him like this. Josiah's the epitome of calm and collected, but now he looks uneasy, and ready to separate Michael's head from his neck. 

"What have you been saying to my girlfriend, Michael?" Josiah questioned, disregarding Michael's question. Michael smiled, "What are you talking about?" Josiah took a deep breath, "Don't fucking play with me. She told me that you've been putting shit into her head." I could tell that he wasn't going to play any of Michael's games. I could feel him looking at me, and he rubbed my arm. "Is this true, Monroe? I thought we were such friends!"

I pushed his hand away, briefly looking at Josiah. He looked disgusted by Michael, and I felt like he could explode at any moment. I've never seen Josiah get really angry before, but I guess there's a first for everything. I stayed quiet, as I was far too nervous, and scared to say anything. Something terrible was going to happen, I could tell. "What the fuck do you want from us?" Josiah snarled, getting Michael's attention, once more. He rolled his eyes, "Nothing. I could care less about you and Monroe, here. It's just that, she's a Wilt, and you're a Bloom. I don't get. What do you like so much about her, the easy, vulnerable pussy?" 

Venom dripped from Michael's words, and I couldn't help but feel hurt because of it. Josiah stood up, pushing his sketchbook aside. "Listen here, don't talk about my fucking girlfriend like that. She's not some hoe, and she ain't someone you can play around with," he spat, which made Michael stand up. "Oh really? The fuck you gonna do about it, pretty boy?  Paint your problems away?" 

I think that set Josiah off. 

Before I could say anything, the two boys were on the floor, roughing each other up. It was an even match, Michael and Josiah both attempting to rip each other's throats out. I watched on in horror, Josiah choking Michael with both of his hands. Michael was pulling at his shirt, and managed to push Josiah off of him, punching him in the face and stomach. Josiah then got the upper hand again, banging Michael's head on the floor. They were cussing each other out, and the words Michael spat at him only seemed to make Josiah even more angry.

I was surprised, I didn't think Josiah had it in him. But I had to put a stop to it, before someone saw us and decided to call the police, or something like that. 

Careful not to get hit, I pulled at Josiah's shirt, begging him to get off of Michael and stop this. "Josiah, stop, it's not worth it!" I yelled, tugging harder at his shirt. He didn't budge though, didn't even seem to hear me. "Josiah, stop, I'm serious!" I yelled louder, managing to get a hold of one of his arms. "Let me go, fuck!" He hollered, snatching his arm away from me. The fight began to die down, and I could finally see the damage done to Michael's face. He had a busted lip, and a black eye. He nose looked all out of place, and I knew that must've hurt. Josiah had one hand wrapped around Michael's neck, Michael gasping for air. 

"Josiah, you're going to kill him!"  

I tugged at his shirt with both hands this time, his attention turning to me. His eyes were cold, dark, and it chilled me to the bone. I knew that Josiah wasn't going to kill him, but I was afraid that he would if I wasn't here to do anything about it. He released his grip, and Michael took a huge breath in, looking at me. I gave him a saddened look, and sighed. Josiah stood up from him, turning on his heel sharply and walking in the other direction. I picked up his sketchbook and pencil from the table, placing them in my bag quickly. Michael had gotten up to his feet, and I felt him grab my arm. 

I pushed his hand away, shaking my head at him, "Just leave us alone, okay?" 

I turned from him, going into a jog so I could catch up to Josiah. I called his name a few times, knowing where he was going. The art room. He pulled the keys from his pocket, and his hand twitched as he tried to open the door. The keys dropped from his hand, and he let out a sigh, slamming his hand against the door. I approached him slowly, and he watched me as I picked up the keys, finding the correct one to open the door. He walked inside, and I closed the door behind myself, taking my bag off. He took a seat on the counter, looking down into his hands. 

I came up to him, placing my hand on his thigh while I took his face in my other. He tried to turn away from me, but I pulled him back. "Stop, I'm trying to see the damage." Josiah sighed, and I could feel him looking at me while I scanned over his face. He had a busted lip, and a medium sized gash under his eye. I could easily fix him up with some rubbing alcohol and a band-aid. 

"The first aid kit is in the cabinet, over there," he told me, looking away from me. 

I turned around, going over to the cabinet and opening it up. I had to reach up and get it, and I placed it on the counter, getting the things I needed out, and came back over to Josiah. I opened the rubbing alcohol, pouring some into the white cap. I dabbed the cottom ball in the clear liquid, and brought it up to Josiah's lip, to which he pulled away. "That shit stings, Mo." 

I shrugged, "This is what happens when you fight, J."

He blew out air from his nose, "What are you trying to say? You just wanted me to let him call you easy, while you're right there?" I shook my head, locking eyes with him. He looked at me like I was crazy. Although I was happy that Josiah stood up for me like that, I didn't like the way he went about it. "Are you going to answer me or not?" he huffed, "I fought him because I wasn't going to let him talk about you like you were worthless, because you're not, okay? I'm sorry for fighting him." I nodded, placing the used cotton ball aside. "It's okay. Thank you, my Peace Punk." He started to smile, "You're welcome, Yin-Yang Queen." 

Grabbing a new cotton ball, I dipped it in the alcohol, beginning to dap at Josiah's gash. He tried to wiggle away from me, but I held his face in my hand, keeping him steady. "If you don't stop moving.." I mumbled. "I can't help it, it stings!" I began to blow cool air onto his gash, giving him a smile. "Is that better, you big baby?" He nodded, poking his bottom lip out. "It would be better with a kiss, though.." 

I rolled my eyes, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pecked his lips, and he shook his head. "That's not enough, I'm still in pain. Oh, my body hurts.." I giggled, caressing his cheek. I kissed his lips once more, biting his lower lip slightly. He groaned, squeezing my waist, deepening our kiss. Our tongue battled, him eventually taking over. I pulled away, placing my hand on his chest. He bit his lip, "Doing that will get you another round with the Fernando." I rolled my eyes at him, and he smirked. 

I twisted the cap on the rubbing alcohol, and tossed the cottonballs in the trash. I placed the alcohol back in the kit and put in back in the cabinet, Josiah nearly giving me a heart attack when I turned around. He took my hands, biting his lip.

"Can you promise me something?" he asked me, staring deeply into my eyes. I nodded, Josiah shifting his weight. He pulled me closer to him, leaning down to my ear. His soft breath tickled the side of my face, and I giggled slightly. 

"Promise me that you'll be mine, and only mine." 

I nodded, "I promise, but only if you promise me the same." 

"I promise." 

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