What now?

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Well two chapters two days! You guys should love me ;) Well I wanted to write while I had the flow so here is chapter 7. Once again written on iPad so I apologize for any mistakes if I can see some I'll correct them right away.
This was supposed to been posted yesterday but I forgot sorry!
Hope you enjoy!

Kristen's POV

When me and Kate woke up the next morning we both checked our phones and they were both blown up with missed calls and text messages from family and friends. Me and Kate honestly hadn't told a lot of people, basically just close family members, I'd told my parents and my brother and Kate had told her mom and sister, them we'd basically only told Melissa, Leslie and Paul. I'd forgotten tell a lot of my close friends like Maya, Amy, Tina, Bill and Seth and I had a ton of messages from all of them. Kate had a bunch of messages from the SNL cast, well mostly from Aidy but also from some of the other cast members too, like Cecily who even spent some time with us to film Ghostbusters had sent Kate a bunch of messages, she also had messages from Chris and Sarah.

We decided to sit in different places of the hotel room so we could talk to the respective people on our lists.

Kate said I could sit in the bed while she has her conversations in the bathroom. She's way too nice and I don't deserve her.

Before Kate headed into the bathroom to make her call we decided that it might be best to gather everyone to give them more details when we get back to New York then Kate walked into the bathroom and closed the door so we wouldn't bother each other. I decided to call them all in a group call so I didn't have to call them one by one and from the vague sound from the bathroom Kate had thought the same thing.

They all answer at a relatively fast speed probably waiting by there phones incase I've seen their messages.

Phone conversation

Me: Hi guys.


Me: I'm sorry for being asleep...

Maya: Why didn't you tell us?

Me: Umm...I don't know?

Amy: Really KWiig really?

I laugh at the nickname and took a deep breath.

Me: Honestly it just slipped my mind or something. Neither me or Kate told a lot of people. The only ones that knew was our parents and siblings, and well Melissa, Leslie and Paul of course. Kate told me that even Cecily had sent her messages and she was with us on set a lot of days and didn't even notice.

Everyone: Well that makes sense.

We were always so good and saying the same thing at the same time.

Bill: So what is Kate doing know? Is she sitting next to you?

I can totally tell that he is smirking on the other end of the phone.

Me: Well she's in the bathroom doing the exact same thing as I am doing now having a group call with well most of the cast members, pretty sure Aidy and Cecily is in that call because they were the two cast members that sent the most messages as well as the writers Chris and Sarah, since they and Aidy are like a tiny little family and before you comment that she is in the bathroom its because we wouldn't bother each other on our respective calls.

Tina: So when are you getting back to New York?

Me: Later today.

Tina: Oh okay good.

Me: I honestly want to talk more but I need to pack so I won't miss my flight.

I laugh and they all join in.

Me: We will talk more though. Me and Kate have decided to gather everyone when we get back so we can give you all some more details and why we haven't told you guys and how long it's been going on and so on is that okay?

Everyone: Yeah sure!

Me: Good I'll take the you all the details when I get back!

Everyone: Okay good. Travel safe!

Me: I'll! Bye!

Everyone: Bye.

I get off the phone and throw my head back on the pillow.

Kate's POV

I sit down on the toilet and unlock my iPhone and add some people into the group call.

When everyone answers their frantic hellos I take a deep breath to prepare myself for this conversation.

Aidy: What the hell Kate why haven't you answered my calls or texts?

Me: Good morning to you too. As you can probably tell by the pictures all over the internet I was out late last night and ended up sleeping in okay?

Cecily: Sounds reasonable to me. But I am honestly offended that you guys did not tell me! I freaking worked with you guys on this movie!

Me: I'm honestly surprised you didn't notice apparently everyone else did on set.

I can hear Cecily gasp on the other side of the phone.

Me: Well you weren't the only one that didn't know. No one in the group call knew and neither did the people in the group call from Kristen's phone.

Aidy: So Kristen is having an exact same type of phone call? With whom?

Me: Maya, Amy, Tina, Bill and Seth I believe they were the ones that blew up her phone as you guys did to mine thank you very much.

Chris: I'm honestly surprised that Leslie hasn't blabbed about this.

I laugh and so does the others.

Me: Well she was close to exposing us a bunch of times but we managed to stop her right in time.

Cecily: But why didn't you guys tell us?

Me: Honestly I don't know we just didn't tell much people. I told my mom and sister, Kristen told her parents and her brother and then we also told Leslie, Melissa and Paul because it was necessary. But it turned out they already knew and thought it had gone on much longer than it actually had.

Everyone: Hmmm...

Me: Well I'd love to talk more but I need to pack so I'll get on my flight back to New York. I promise we will talk more me and Kristen has decided to gather everyone so you guys can get more details about why we didn't tell anyone, how long it's been going on and why we decided to go public now. I'll text you all when I get back home okay?

Everyone: Yeah sure.

Me: Okay then. I'll see ya'll later. Bye!

Everyone: Bye! Fly safe.

I hang up and sighed before I push myself of the toilet and get out of the bathroom as I do I can see Kristen's head fall back on the pillow.

"What now?" She asks as I lie down next to her.

"We pack and go home and then deal with all of them face to face."

"What would I do without you?"

"Starve." I say and laugh. Kristen hits my arm playfully.

"I was gonna say that I don't deserve you but I'm wrong. You don't deserve me." She says with a smirk.

"Ouch that hurt." I honestly playing hurt by that.

"But I do love you." She smiles at me.

"I love you too." I say as I press a kiss to her temple.

"Come on we gotta pack." I say as I get up and then extend my arm and pull her up.

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