You're Such A

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Chapter 14 woohoo! Well I don't have much to say then that I cried while writing the end of this chapter...
Kate's POV

This weekend had gone wait too fast if you ask me and I can't believe I have to leave Kristen now to go back to New York.

The sun was seeping through the blinds in Kristen's bedroom. Kristen was still very much asleep and I was lying here wishing that I really didn't have to leave in a few hours. This weekend had been so cozy. From romantic dinners, to talking, to staying up late, to cuddling and well to the sex.

I pick up some of Kristen's hair between my fingers and starts playing with it.

"Good morning." Kristen says in sleepy voice.

"Good morning beautiful."

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." I lied.

Kristen lifts her head up from the pillow looks at me like she knew I wasn't really telling her the truth and then lied her head down on my chest.

"I don't believe you." Simple as that I took a deep breath.

"I've been laying awake for about an hour thinking about how sad I am that I have to leave you today." I sighed.

"Yeah that kept me up last night." Kristen admitted.

I raised my eyebrows.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

"Probably the same reason why you didn't wake me up..." Kristen winked.

"Yeah." I bit my bottom lip.

"On the bright side it's only like two weeks." I say trying to sound positive.

"Yeah I know."

"We will call, text and FaceTime everyday tills then right?"



I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"I love you Kristen Carroll Wiig."

Kristen looks up at me with loving eyes.

"I love you too Kathryn McKinnon Berthold."

Kristen moves up and pulls me out of her bed.

"Where we going?" I ask curiously.

"The kitchen."


Kristen rolls her eyes.

"Just wait and I'll show you."

"So since I couldn't sleep last night I went up to prepare stuff for an awesome farewell breakfast for you so yeah..." Kristen rambled and I walked up to her, cupped her cheeks and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you." Kristen smiled and I give her a smile back.

We finish the everything for the breakfast together and obviously feed Moose as well. I cuddled her a little extra since I know it will be a while until I get to see her again.

We then sit down to enjoy our last breakfast together for while.

"Hey do you know if they've put us in different rooms at the hotel?" I ask between bites.

"No clue. I hope not." She smirks.

"Okay, well I hope not either."

"It's enough that we only have one scene together so we wont spend much time together so when we are not filming I do hope I get to spend time with you." Now it was my time to ramble and Kristen lets out a giggle.


"First I was rambling and now you were doing it. But yours was obviously a lot cuter than mine."

I can feel my face grow a few shades red.

"Well I shut you up by kissing you and you just giggled at me." I say jokingly and cross my arms.

Kristen gets up and walks towards me and leans down and kisses me.

"Satisfied." She teased.

"Very." I say and pull her down on my lap and kiss her once more.

"You're such a difficult little devil."

"Only for you baby girl." I wink.

Kristen's POV

After breakfast I told Kate to go pack her things while I fixed the dishes and she moved her little butt into my bedroom. Once again rolling my eyes, but this time for the fact that that little glorious weirdo was mine.

In just an hour I'm driving my gorgeous little glorious honey butt weirdo to the airport.

I finish up the dishes and walked into my bedroom to see if Kate was getting done with packing her things. What I find is the cutest thing ever and I can't take my eyes off of it.

Kate is laying on the floor and Moose is on her stomach and they're giving each other small kisses.

"I'm gonna miss seeing this." I say and Kate moves up so she's not sitting up with Moose still in her lap.

"Honestly me too." I walk up next to Kate and sit down. Moose walks over to me and gives me a wet kiss all over my face.

"You two could be twins." I mock.

"Wouldn't surprise me." Kate nods slightly.

"If you two are done with your cuddling session because we should get moving."

I get up and reach my hand out for Kate hand she grabs it and I pull her up and she gets her things and we move out to my car.

I start the car and then we were off to the airport.

"How do you wanna handle this?" I ask Kate who was clearly distracted by something she could see on the outside.


"I asked how you wanted to handle this?"

"Handle what?"

"The paparazzi's at the airport honey butt."

"Ohh." Kate shrugged.


"I'm gonna kiss you either way." She said and turned her attention out the window again while a smile grew on my lips.

I drive up to the airport and we walk in. Kate checks in and then well our time together was over for this time.

"I'll FaceTime you when I get home okay?" Kate assured me as a small tear fell down my cheek.


Kate wiped away a tear and pulled me in for a long hug and then placed a passionate kiss on my lips.

"I know I told you this this morning but I can never say it too many times. I love you." Kate smiles and it brings a smile to my lips as well.

"I love you too." I kiss her one more time and then Kate disappears into the security line and I walk back to my car and drive home.
Until next time :*

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