Chapter 1

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you.

*Your POV*

The walk to school was rather uneventful, the same as always. It feels pretty nice out, I suppose. I've always been one that favored colder weather. It's not like I go out much to begin with, and it's nice seeing people having the decency to at least try to cover themselves up. People like that get on my nerves, big time. Then again, most people do. I'd rather spend time with animals then with people. I walk into my first class of the day, English. This class couldn't be easier, honestly. I don't understand how people can manage to fail it, especially if it's their original language. I suppose it would be harder to learn if you were foreign, and I'm more than willing to cut slack where it's due. However, Alfred is lucky to pull a passing grade in this class, and he has no excuse whatsoever. I'm sort of worried that the teacher may force me tutor him at some point.

The teacher drones on and on about simple stuff like parallelism and parts of speech. Stuff I've known since forever. The teacher has tried many times to make me mess up the answer to a question after he catches me reading. He's yet to throw one at me that I couldn't answer correctly, I bet he has given up by now.  I notice Veneziano doodling pasta and flags on his notes. He's kind of odd, but I'd give anything to actually be able to be that happy all the time, well almost anything. I have to fight back a blush when I see his brother, Lovino sitting beside him with the most adorably irritated expression on his face. People always think he's really rude, but I can't help but think otherwise. If anything, Lovino seems to have a bit of an inferiority complex torwards his brother.

Call me creepy all you want, I just have this odd ability, a sixth sense if you will, to be able to understand people past the facades they put up. Lovino seems to be a nice person deep down, despite his harsher exterior. What was that Japanese term again? Ah yes, tsundere. That fits him pretty well I'd say. If you hadn't noticed I tend to just go off thinking about random topics. At least its something to do. Since I'm bored anyways, I decide to pull out a book and let myself get lost in one of their worlds again.

*Timeskip to lunch*

I walk through the lunch line and get some cheese pizza. I don't eat meat simply because animals are all that have ever been there for me. It would be rather morbid of me to repay them by eating them. I still eat eggs and stuff though, so I'm not vegan. I sit with Arthur and his small group of friends Lukas and Vlad, as usual. "How has your day been love?" Arthur asks. "Hmm, the same as always." That was about all the conversation that I was involved in. The group just went off talking about magic, mythical creatures, and the like. Honestly, as smart as they were they talked about some odd stuff.

Before long, I hear the bell go off and go to throw my trash away before leaving the cafeteria to head out to my next class. However, on the way there I see something I didn't expect. Ivan had Raivis backed up against the locker while throwing all kinds of insults at him. Raivis looked scared out of his mind, and had a saddened expression, like he was about to cry. I felt anger bubbling up inside of me.

*Flashback to kindergarten*

"Look at her! She's so weird!". "I know! Why won't she just go away?". "Nobody likes you!". "Your too different!" . The others just kept throwing insults at me. I fight back the tears and run away from the playground. Why do they hate me so much? Did I do something wrong? The thoughts just kept running through my head. I don't belong and never will. I was just being myself.

*To the present*

The tormenting lasted until this past year, it was more than just a childhood thing. I never let it show, but their words actually hurt me, a lot. I would always get depressed and lose hope in ever being accepted in the slightest. I definitely don't want others to have to experience that same kind of pain. So I do what feels right, despite how intimidating Ivan can be. "Hey! Leave him alone!" I shout putting myself between Ivan and Raivis. Everyone was shocked, to say the least. I guess it does make sense, I hardly ever talk and here I am defending someone from the scariest guy in school.

"Why don't you move? We don't want the little sunflower getting hurt, da?" I smirk in response, I know that Ivan is more of an intimidation kind of guy than a publicly violent one. So I say " Not if hell froze over". Ivan's face was priceless. You could tell he wasn't used to being defied. Then he shrugs and walks away as if nothing happened at all. "T-thank you"  you hear Raivis stutter out behind you. "No problem." you wave and walk off, you did have a class to get to after all.

*Romano's POV*

That was... insane. The whole lot of people around me had to be thinking the same thing. (Y/n), who was quiet to the point of almost being mute, protected Raivis from Ivan. Now my curiosity burned even stronger. Who is (y/n), exactly and how in the hell did she manage to pull that off?

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