Chapter 6

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you

*Your POV*

"I can't believe this is actually happening to me.... Not again! Not the only people I have left! Please...Why?" I mumble. According to the time my mom wasn't the only one in that car. She had just picked my sister up. I have no family members anymore! If they died... What am I supposed to do? Live in an orphanage? Wait, it looks like the news reporter is about to talk.

" This wreck has caused major traffic jams all around the area, so expect it. What's worse is that two people didn't survive the crash; they were found dead on the sight."

That's all I had to hear to fully process what happened. Of course they wouldn't survive.. Considering the car was demolished I can only assume it was them. My dog starts whimpering. I always knew (he/she) was smart, it probably knows what is going on. I am trying so hard to not cry, but that isn't happening. Next thing I know I'm bawling and Lovino is hugging me.

*Romano's POV*

Why does this have to happen to (Y/n) of all people? She is such a good person despite all that she had already gone through.. This is absolutely awful. I can't keep myself from getting tears in the corners of my eyes.

*Ludwig's POV*

Well that could have went better, but it could have definitely went worse. I have nothing more than minor injuries, so no real harm done I guess. I better go find Lovino. I never saw him come back this way. (Y/n) is one of my neighbors so I do know where she lives, and I bet he is still with her.


I open her door to a scene I didn't expect at all. (Y/n) was crying while hugging Lovino. I couldn't believe it. (Y/n) never cries in front of people and she is borderline Kiku when it comes to personal space. Something really bad must have happened. I glance to the television and.. mein gott that's her mom's car. From what I've gathered she doesn't have any other family either. I can't help but feel bad for her.

*Your POV*

Honestly I feel like my mind is going to snap under the pressure. However, I have to keep a handle on that. I do not want to see the monster I could become if I went insane, nor do I desire to spend the rest of my life in a white room. Even an orphanage is better than that, and I still need to tell Lovino that I love him.. I absolutely can not risk going nuts. I noted that Ludwig entered the room, but didn't pay much heed to it. I was a tad bit occupied holding myself together.

Then police walk in. Seriously what is it with people barging into the house? My mind registers that I'm being dragged off somewhere, but that's about it. Great, I bet they are taking me to an Orphanage, or a mental hospital to be safe. Probably a mental hospital. Great, just great that is just what I need to hold myself together. They don't understand that it is so much harder without Lovino around. Even if I haven't known him personally all that long I still love him. I need someone to care about nearby, what don't they understand about that? Now we are in a car and I freak out. "NO! Let me out of here! Please no..." However, my cries are in vain.

*timeskip to the hospital*

*Romano's POV*

It took every bit of my will to not strangle those cops. Can't the bastards see they were just making it worse? She has lost everyone to car wrecks.. It's only natural that after it happening she would freak out in a car. I don't think the hospital is really necessary, but what is going to happen to her now? They finally let me in to see her and I hear words I really don't want to. "Hey Lovino, know what they said? I have to go to an orphanage now..". I had expected as much. That sure as hell didn't mean I wanted it to be confirmed. Then she grins a tiny bit and says "It's better than a mental institution at least." The fact that she can even manage the smallest grin means that she is so much stronger than I ever gave her credit for.

*Your POV*

I hope the orphanage isn't too bad. Lovino being here right now is making the news a bit easier to take. I wish I could tell him how I felt now, but it wouldn't seem realistic. I'm glad that the orphanage is in my school's district, and within walking distance if I wake up early. I suppose I'll have to get used to this new life. After all.. What more can I do?

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