Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry that I was on hiatus for so long, but I'm back, and I will continue writing this story along with others. I really want to thank everyone for the kind comments, they inspired me to
continue. ~lilylover49

(Your POV)
I awake with a start as I hear an unruly screech telling everyone to wake up and get ready for school. Myself included this time. "I'm sorry (d/n), but I have to go. Take care of yourself and stay out of trouble, okay?" (D/n) gives me a fake hurt look and nods, licks my hand, and nudges me towards the door. "Bye (boy/girl)"

*timeskip to school*

Again with the heated glances in my direction, I'm starting to wish that dogs were allowed in school. I know it's silly, but (he/she) really comforts me by just being around. I notice that a few people look at me with pity, and it starts to bother me. I guess some people put the pieces together. Regardless, pity has always bothered me. Genuine concern is fine, but I feel that pity is still looking down on someone. I wonder how Lovino is doing?

"Oi ragazza, are you alright?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear, or think in this case. "Yea pretty fine, all things considered." "Look, I'll only ask this once, do you want to start sitting with me at lunch?"

(Romano's POV)
Nice going bastardo, that was so sudden it probably freaked the ragazza out. Think fast, Lovino, think fast. "Of course my fratello and the tomato and potato bastardos will be there as well." "Sure, I don't mind, thanks" she says with a small smile. "I never really got a chance to thank Ludwig for helping with the whole Ivan situation anyway." How did she figure it out so fast? She answered, obviously seeing my confused expression. "He was a little scratched up when he showed up at my house, barely noticeable, but it was still there." My heart twinges a little at that. I refuse to admit how jealous that makes me. "I guess old habits die hard." she continues "I've always been sort of observant by nature, guess it comes from all those crime solving shows I watched with my mom." I don't know what to say to that, and can only wish it happened to someone else. I'm literally saved by the bell, going off, telling us to get to class. "See you later, Lovi." she says as she walks to class. I instantly feel my face grow hot at the nickname, which the tomato bastardo notices as I walk into class. "Why is your face as red as one of my tomatoes amigo?" "S-shut up!" I reply as the bell saves my ass for the second time this morning.

Hetalia Romano x Nerd! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora