Chapter 4

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you.

*Romano's POV*

So all I have to do is grab (Y/n) and run like only an Italian can while Ludwig "deals" with Ivan, right? I'm scared, but I'd never admit it. Well, fratello seems to run faster under pressure. Hopefully I will as well. Here goes nothing.

*Your POV*

Ivan is getting really close, not even bothering to be discreet anymore. He must have realized that I noticed him. The fact that he doesn't have to be cautious means he's gaining ground even faster. Next thing I know, I'm not even walking anymore. Not only that, but I'm being carried at a ridiculously absurd speed. My arms wrap around someone's neck on sheer reflex, and I let out a rather embarrassing squeak of surprise. My face heats up and I know that I have to be blushing, but at least I don't think I'm alone in doing so. Lovino -as I had come to realize was the one carrying me- was sporting quite the adorable blush as well.

I was surprised by how fast he could actually run. The last ten minutes of my walk home was reduced to three which should be impossible with all the extra weight he was carrying. Then something hit me. "How did you know where I live?"

*Romano's POV*

I slightly paled at that question. I only came here because I couldn't think of any other neighborhoods that someone would actually walk to school from, distance wise. Even if I said that though, I'd probably sound like some damn stalker. Oh well the truth is worth a shot, isn't it? "I couldn't think of anywhere else someone would walk to school from. Most neighborhoods are fairly far from the school." After what looked like some serious consideration, (Y/n) nodded. "That seems fair enough. Plus, considering you just saved my arse I'm willing to give you the benefit of a doubt." Well that went better than expected for sure. I was about to turn and leave, but (Y/n) stopped me. I cast a confused glance in her direction.

*Your POV*

I know I owe Lovino a lot already, and that inviting him to my house sounds kinda risky. However, I'm still scared out of my mind. My mom and sister won't be home for at least two hours, and locked doors and windows or not I'm willing to gamble that Ivan would find a way into my house. Besides, what Lovino said is true. This neighborhood is the only one within walking distance to the school. If he can deduce that in the spur of the moment then there is no way Ivan wouldn't find his way here.

"Do you want to come inside for a little while?" I asked. I wasn't shocked at all by his surprised expression. "What!?" " I-I know that it's a lot to ask seeing as you probably have things you need to do, and that I don't know you all that well and all but..." "But what?" My face had to have lit up in a blush again. "..I'm still scared" I mumble, barely audible. Lovino sighs ".. Fine." "Thanks" I reply not able to hide a relieved smile.

*Romano's POV*

Why the hell would she ask me to come inside? She's smarter than that, I know she is. Most guys would take complete advantage of the situation, though I have no intention to do something so vulgar. When she opens the door I notice that no one is home and I can't help but frown. "You live alone?" I question. "No, my mom and little sister just aren't home much, especially right after school." Oh, that makes far more sense, though I noticed she didn't say anything about a dad. Maybe I'll ask later, I don't want to pry. I bet its lonely being by yourself most of the time. Even if fratello and the tomato bastard are annoying sometimes at least its company.

Wait, that has to be why she wanted me to come in. If her family won't be home for a while then she must've been afraid to stay at home all alone. It is pretty likely that Ivan would get in somehow. The ragazza is rather smart for thinking that through, before I left at that. I should take this as an opportunity to get to know her better, I've been curious anyway. 

Now, what should I ask her? 

Hetalia Romano x Nerd! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें