Chapter 7

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you.

AN: I have a ridiculous amount of projects due within this month, so while I'll try to find time to write I can't promise anything. Everything is due around the 21st, so my workload will ease up a little by then.

*You are in the orphanage now*

*Your POV*

They probably won't make me go back to school for a while, not until everything settles down a bit. However, they don't seem to get that they are giving me far too much free time to think about everything. I've always been cynical to some degree, and all this extra time to ponder how much of an ass life is isn't helping. I look to my side to see my dog snuggling up to me. I'm just really glad they are letting me keep (him/her) with me. I just feed my dog whatever meat is in my meals, I'll have to buy some dog food later since the one requirement was to take care of it myself. Not like it matters to me anyways though, I wouldn't eat the meat in the first place. Honestly, people don't seem to get my logic behind being a vegetarian. Every single life is precious, and those animals had families too! Even scientists are starting to acknowledge that animals may have a more complicated thinking process then most people are aware of. So it just seems so wrong to kill them off just because they can't defend themselves, as is the case with most eaten animals.

Again they are giving me way too much time to think, they will probably let me go back to school next week. At least I got all of my school work for the week here, so I won't be behind. However, seeing as I've already finished it all there is not much I can do at the moment. "Hmn, I'll just listen to some music then." I did keep my Ipod after all, but it was about the only thing I bothered to keep as far as personal possessions go. Well that and clothes, I am not about to start dressing all girly. "Should I listen to Vocaloid (d/n)? " My dog barked and wagged it's tail in response. Well Vocaloid normally does cheer me up, so I don't see why I shouldn't listen to it. I lay down on my bed and hum along as I begin to drift into a light slumber.

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