Lunch and a Offer

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"Can you get that, Chris?" Grandma calls from the kitchen having heard a knock at the door.

"I'm on it!" I call back.

I place a bookmark in my book and set it on the coffee table before getting up and walking to the door. Upon opening it, I'm greeted by three good looking men with similar features. I give them a smile as is say, "Welcome back guys. Come on in."

"It's wonderful to be back," Barry responds stepping through the door, giving me a hug and kiss in the process.

Maurice and Robin do the same and shortly behind them appears Mr. and Mrs. Gibb with a young boy with them.

"You look beautiful," Mrs. Gibb comments as they walk into the house,

"So do you." I close the door and turn to the boy who defiantly looked like a Gibb. "Who might this young man be?"

Mr. Gibb puts a hand on the boy's shoulder and says, "This is Andy."

"My, he's gotten big. He looks like Barry at that age." I hold my hand out and say to him, "Hello Andy. I'm Christine, but you can call me Chris. Last time I saw you, you were a little baby."

"Nice to meet you too."

I chuckle at how reserved he was. That will change though once he gets to know me. My gaze soon catches a large bowl in Mrs. Gibbs hands and I could only guess what it was.

"Is that your macaroni and cheese," I ask her.

"Sure is."

I smile. "I really missed it these past 9 years."

"It's even better now," I hear Robin say.

I turn to the kitchen doorway and see him, Mo, and Barry walking out while munching on some turkey Grandma had cooked.

"Really?" They nod and my mouth starts to salivate. "I just can't wait. Let me take that into the kitchen so you guys can sit down."

"Thank you."

I take the bowl and as I walk past the guys, Maurice whispers, "Save some for us."

I elbow him and we both chuckle. I walk into the kitchen and set the bowl on the counter. I look around the room and finally see how much food Grandma had cooked for lunch.

"Are we having the army over?" I ask jokingly.

"No but 4 growing boys seem like an army," Grandma replies as she pulls some rolls out of the oven.

"I guess so. You need any help?"

"I'm fine. You go keep everyone entertained."

I look Grandma up and down when she says that. She has been working all morning to get the food ready and has wanted me to stay out of the way. "Alright," I respond before leaving the room.

I step back into the front room and see that everyone had found a seat. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb sat on the couch with Andy, Maurice and Robin sat in the love seat, and Barry sat in the single chair we had around the room. I walk over to where Barry sat and take a seat on the arm rest of the chair. Barry wraps his arm around my waist to help me stay balanced and I give him a smile to say thanks.

"How's your mum and dad, Chris? Maurice told us that you moved back to America."

"We did and they're both doing well. Mom has had very constant work since we moved back and Dad has opened his own music store."

"Really? I didn't know he was thinking of something like that," Mr. Gibb comments.

"He wasn't at first but a couple years ago he got inspired by what Mom has done with producing that he decided that it might bring good income for us. It did just that and now he has a couple of stores open around town. "

"We might have to make a trip there to see how good it is," Barry says.

"He would love that, especially with you guys being a band now. You would be his first celebrities to step foot there."

"We're not celebrities yet," Robin states.

"Not here but in Australia. Besides, when this album is release, you guys will be the next big thing. I bet even as big as the Beatles." Barry, Maurice, and Robin laugh even though I meant it. "I really think you guys will. You guys have such an amazing sound, you write spectacular songs, and look at the three of you. You have a look that any girl would fall for."

"You haven't fallen for our looks," Barry comments.

I give him a look and smack his arm. He then smirks which I return with an eye roll. "You guys are family. I don't think it would be right for me to fall you guys like that; it would be too weird."

Before him or the others can get a comment in, Grandma calls out that the food is ready. We all make our way into the kitchen and start loading plates with food. We then make our way into the dining room which was lucky enough to hold a big enough table to fit all 8 of us. Once everyone is seated, we all start to enjoy the amazing food. I go for the macaroni first and Robin was right; it has gotten better over the years.

"The macaroni is amazing, Mrs. Gibb," I complement.

"Thank you, darling. I knew it's been a while since you've had it so I thought I would bring it."

"You aren't wrong with that. Thank you for making it."

We all continue to eat till Barry randomly asks, "Chris, do you have a job in America?"

I shake my head, mouth filled with potato. "No. I've applied everywhere but no one is wanting to hire me. And Dad won't pay me for work I do in the store so I'm pretty much just help and not an employee."

"Good, because we want you as our Music Consultant."

I almost chock on the peas I was eating when Barry says that. What on earth is a Music Consultant? I'm pretty sure that there isn't a position like that anywhere in the world. "Really? You guys know there's no such thing as that."

"Until now," Maurice replies. "Look, us and Mr. Stigwood were amazed with what you contributed when you were at the studio."

"I didn't give much."

"But it was enough to make us realize how important you are."

"Those songs sounded better than ever because of you," Robin comments.

"Okay. But why a Music Consultant? Wouldn't I be a producer or something instead? Maybe a writer?"

All three shake their heads. "No. A producer can have too many jobs at once and can vary from album to album," Barry tells me. "Then you don't really give enough to be considered a song writer."

I shake my head and go back to eating. This just seems crazy to me. "We need you, Chris." I look up and all three of them had pleading looks. "We don't care if there is no other job like this. But this is the way we want to hire you. We think you'll be the key to our success."

I look back down at my food and pick at it as I think. I did have fun working with them in the studio. And I do love music. I've also been really interested in producing like Mom does. I guess this might be my only shot to get something like that started. I'm guess I'm also always up to helping the guys out when they need it.

"I'm in." I look up and everyone had smiles on their faces. Well, not everyone. Andy still needs to get to know me better before getting excited that I'd be staying here.

"Wonderful," Maurice cheers loudly, earning a glare from Grandma. "Sorry."

"I have to go home first though." They look at me mad so I could only guess they wanted to get to work as soon as possible. "I need to pack some things if I'm going to move here. And I also have to tell Mom and Dad. You don't expect me to live in a week's worth of clothes over and over again for months and go without some personal items here, do you?"

"I guess not," Robin says for all three of them.

"Well, I'm glad I get my granddaughter around again," Grandma says, reaching for my hand and grabbing it. "I know your parents will be happy with your choice."

"I know they will, too. And guys." I look at each one of them in the eyes before saying, "I'm going to make sure you get to the top. Nothing will stop us from making that happen."

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