Hither Green

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"Andy! Get back here and clean up your mess!"

Andy sulks back into the room and grabs his plate. He knows better than to leave a mess he made for someone else to clean. He takes the plate to the sink and rinses it off before returning to the table to gather the stuff he can put in the trash. Once he throws the stuff in the trash he turns to me.

"Now you may go listen to radio."

He grins and runs out of the room again. I clean up my mess and follow behind him. I sit beside him on the couch and he lays against me. We listen as the music plays and soon enough, one of the Bee Gees' songs start to play.

The guys were doing a couple performances and both Barbra and Hugh wanted to go along. They couldn't though because Andy had school to go to. I offered to watch him since the guys really didn't need me to go along. Hugh and Barbra were grateful when I offered to watch him and suggested I stay at their house seeing as they had a guest room.

Everyone is supposed to be back tonight and Andy is anxious to have his parents home. Sadly he has to be in bed soon and won't get to see them till morning unless they woke him up when they got here. With the time it is now, they should have called already saying that everyone made it back safe and were on their way to their respective homes.

I shrug it off as the last words play of "Massachusetts". I feel Andy snuggle into me more and I can't hold back a smile. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to warm up to me and now we were like buddies. He was actually excited when he found out I would be staying with him for a little while.

"Pardon the intrusion as we report a special new bulletin," a man announces over the radio, stopping the music. "News just broke that the 19:43 Hastings to Charing Cross service has derailed just before St Mildred's Road railway bridge. Emergency crews are on their way to the scene now and we will keep you updated as we get information."

"Is that important to us?" Andy asks, looking up at me.

I shake my head. "Not one bit."

He turns back to the radio and I let my face fall into a grim look. I think I remember Robin saying that he and Molly were going to visit her parents in Hastings before they came back. Could they have taken that train back? Were they too late and had to catch a later train? Did they take an earlier train? If they were on that train, were they alive or lying there dead? I don't think this family could handle a death like that. The group can't go on without Robin in it.

As the time passed slowly, news about the crash slowly trickled in. The death count rose and so did the injured. Andy didn't realize but I'm letting him stay up only until I hear some kind of news about Robin. About an hour after the news of the crash was released, news I didn't want Andy or I to hear was announced.

"One of the victims of the crash included Bee Gees member Robin Gibb. No news about his condition has been release."

Andy jumps up and turns to me, terror in his face. "Robin's hurt?"

I reach forward and grab his hands. "I don't know if he's hurt, Andy. We just have to wait and see what we hear."

Now he didn't want to go to bed which I didn't fight. He's scared that his brother might be dead. The only thing that will get him to calm down now is to hear good news about him. It's really the only thing that will make me calm down too. My fear had come true; Robin and Molly were on that train. The only things I can wonder are "Are they alright?" and "Do the others know?"

News reports keep coming in but none of them mentioned Robin and Molly. 30 minutes after the news broke, the phone rings. I pull myself out from under Andy and he follows close behind as I pick up the phone.

"I don't know if you heard the news," Barry quickly says.

Before he could continue, I quickly ask, "Are they okay? Robin and Molly."

"They're fine." I let out a relieving sigh. "We're all at the hospital now. Robin and Molly will be discharged real soon then we will head home."

"Are all of you going back to your normal homes or will you go to just one?"

"Mum and Dad are going to take Robin and Molly there and will stay the night. Maurice is going along but will go back home after a little while. I'm heading home though."

I nod my head though Andy is the only one to see me do it. "Alright. Tell everyone that we will be waiting. And be safe Barry."

"I will." We say goodbye and after I hang up the phone, I turn to Andy and say, "Robin's okay. He and Molly are going to be staying the night. Maurice is also coming over for a little bit. You can calm down now."

He lunges at me and pulls me into a hug. I can tell he is relieved to hear that Robin's safe. Even though Andy had a better relationship with Barry, he still seemed close to Maurice and Robin. He loved all three of his brothers.

I try and pull Andy away but don't succeed. I pull him along as I unlock the front door and head back to the living room. I turn the radio to a different radio station now that we were done with the crash and settle back onto the couch. Andy finally let’s go and decides to just cuddle into my side. I feel his head nod as he tries to fight off sleep. I was doing the same though having gone to sleep just a little after Andy had for the past few days.

Sometime after the call with Barry, the sound of the door opening fills the house. Andy jumps to his feet and is running to the door in seconds. I slowly follow behind him and find him hugging Robin only a foot from the door. Robin had a smile forced onto his face as he hugged his brother. He looks up at me and seemed relieved to see me.

Hugh gets Andy pulled off of Robin, allowing to rest of them to make it into the house. I stay where I am and Robin walks up to me, pulling me into a hug. It was so nice hugging him. I thought I wouldn't do that again. He pulls away and I end up pulling Molly into a hug next. She was so frightened and seemed to be quite shaken up.

Maurice walks by after I let go of Molly and he seemed to have aged a couple of years. I want to ask him and everyone else about what all happened but I know it is too soon to be asking that kind of stuff. Hugh, Barbra, and Maurice usher Robin and Molly upstairs to the room they left ready for if either of the guys needed to come home.

I decide to usher Andy upstairs as well and I put him to bed. He asks questions about Barry and I tell him that he is just fine. I tell him that he went home and he could call him tomorrow when he is up to it. I step out of Andy's room, him already asleep, and run into Barbra and Hugh.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask them.

"Yeah. Just a big scare was all," Hugh answers.

"I have to agree. I knew Robin and Molly would be coming back from Hastings but when they announced the crash on radio, I didn't know whether to worry that they were on it or not. Then when they said Robin was on the train, I feared that he was hurt or dead."

"We all were so worried," Barbra speaks. "We were supposed to meet up with them and they never showed. It was Maurice who figured that Robin and Molly might be in trouble."

"Must have been some kind of twin thing."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Barbra comments.

I smile. I bid them goodnight and go to my room. I don't bother changing and fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was a couple days later I got details about the crash. Robin had almost been killed and had helped pull people out of the wreck. I couldn't believe all of it but I had to. I'm just glad Robin's alive.

This Is Where I Came In (A Bee Gees Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat