Such A Shame

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I say hi to Rachel as I hurry through the lobby. I’m running a little late today and I know the guys have already started. I quickly open the door to the studio but stop half way when I hear a guitar playing. A voice joins it and sings, "Don't bother me, man, just stay there. If it's a sin, I'll convert me astray."

It was a voice I haven't heard before. I look back at the hallway to make sure I had the right room before stepping in. Once I can see who was in the recording area, I stop in shock. All alone with just a guitar was Vince, singing a song I hadn't heard before.

I place my things in the chair I sit in and make my way into the recording area. Vince hadn't seen me when I walked in so he was still playing. He actually sounded good. He finally looks up, still playing, and looks around the room. He abruptly stops playing when he sees me standing at the door. I know he felt embarrassed.

"Don't stop on my account," I tell him as I make my way closer to him. I sit in the chair beside him before adding, "That sounded really good. You write it?"

"Yeah," he says shyly.

"The guitar part sounded awesome too. Can you do the whole song again?" He nods and starts strumming again. The whole song sounds amazing. The words were great and like a told him, the guitar part sounds amazing. "That was amazing. Have the others heard it?"

He shakes his head. "I've worked on it at home and here before anyone else arrived. You are the first one out of them to hear it."

"You should change that. Play it for them today. It's only a thinking day."

"I don't know."

"If you don't bring it up before we take our half-time break, I will bring it up myself. They would enjoy this. I think a lot of people would enjoy this."

"Okay. I'll do that when they get here."

I smile. He knows that I would tell them. "Good. Now speaking of the guys, where are they? We were supposed to start a couple minutes ago."

"Robin called and said he was running late. Then I think Colin, Maurice, and Barry went out to eat together. They must have gotten caught by some girls."

I chuckle. I could imagine why Robin was late and I could also see the others getting caught by fans. And as if on cue, Maurice, Barry, and Colin walk in with Robin right behind them. I give them a little wave and they join Vince and I in the recording area.

"What were you two doing in here?" Mo asks teasingly.

"We were just talking,” Vince replies.

I smirk and add, “And Vince was just playing me a song he wrote."

I see Vince's head shoot at me from the corner of my eye. It seemed like a perfect moment to mention it even though he promised he would.

"Really?" Barry pulls up a chair and sits, looking at Vince. "You wrote a song?"

Vince nods. "I've been working on it at home and before you guys come in for sessions."

"Let's hear it."

Vince clears his throat and starts playing. As he sings, I watch the others' faces. Barry and Robin looked like they were into the music and Colin and Mo had smiles on their faces. Barry and Robin start to get small smiles and I soon find myself smiling. They were enjoying the song just like I thought.

Vince strums the last note and looks to the guys for their opinions. The four look at each other and start to clap. "That was really good," Colin says for all of them.

"Really?" Vince looked skeptic.

"Oh course," Maurice replies. He then turns to me and asks, "Didn't Elizabeth say that your grandfather could play the guitar like that, Chris?"

Colin and Vince turn to me in confusion. "Your grandfather played?"

I eye Maurice, wishing he never brought that subject up. He knows I don't really talk about him. "He did. He had learned to play about the same age Barry did. He never joined a group but would do little events if he needed the money. I guess that's why Mom gained a love for music and became a producer.

"I never got to hear him play or got to know him. He died right before I was born; wrecked his car and died a couple hours afterward in the hospital. He waited though for Grandma to be there. He knew Mom wouldn't be able to make it so he wrote her a letter that she got to read before his funeral. Grandma still has the guitar in her room, sitting where it had always sat."

"We feel so sorry," Vince and Colin say at the same time.

"Nothing to apologize for. You deserved to know the story. I guess you could say that you aren't part of the band unless you hear my back story." They chuckle and I decide to change the subject. "So do you guys think we can make this song a hit? I feel like it would do well."

The guys look around at each other and Barry, Rob, and Mo gather together. They had a say in what might go on the albums. They turn back toward us after a minute and smiles appear on their faces. "Let’s get some more parts to this song."

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