Prologue: Where the f- am I?!

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Currently, [y/n] was sitting in the classroom with the rest of her classmates. Another failed assassination attempt had happened. Again. This time they tried to use food, sweets to be more specific since their teacher had a very hard time resisting the sweet temptation. They didn't know how but some how he managed to get the treat and escape the trap unharmed. So Karasuma decided to bring in some government help to try killing the one threatening the earth. Soon as they got the all clear, the whole class went outside to watch the spectacle. Koro-sensei was already surrounded by many machines aimed at him, all manned by soldiers waiting for the command to fire. Green stripes had already appeared on his face as he watched them take aim, laughing to himself at this attempt. He knew he could always fly out of the way fast enough, what concerned him though was what if whatever they shot at him hit one of his students and hurt them, God forbid kill them. "Are you sure this is going to even work?" Irina asked when she walked over to Karasuma, her blonde hair boucing with every step she took. Of course she did shoot at the yellow being when she saw the slight pink on his round head for staring at her breasts too while she walked. "Eyes to yourself pervert!" she snapped before turning her attention back to the human male in front of her. "It's supposed to, we've had a few test runs with them." He answered before turning his attention to the task at hand. 'The main question is if we can even hit him.' he thought to himself, knowing full well he wouldn't just stay in place and allow himself to get hit. After making sure that everything was ready he nodded to one of the men to signal the okay. That split second that they fired, Koro-sensei had already flown out of the way. Sadly instead of whatever they shot at him disappearing it bounced off the metal of one of the machines and was headed straight for Nagisa. "Nagisa move out of the way! shouted one of the bluenette's classmates before he felt himself getting shoved to the ground and a bright flash of light appeared before disappearing, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. "Is everyone okay and accounted for?" Koro-sensei asked once he came back down, doing a quick attendance and noticed one person missing from their class. "Kurasuma. Have you seen [y/n]?" he asked trying to stay calm, noticing Nagisa's stunned expression as he was helped up by his other classmates. [y/n] pushed him out of the way of the blast. Kurasuma looked to one of the scientists who had engineered the machine to explain what had happened to the rest of them. "When we tested the machine on various targets they appeared else where in another dimension much different than our own. Most likely your student reappeared over there." the scientist explained growing a bit paler as they continued and watched what used to be yellow slowly turn black, "We'll work on something to get her out of there-" being cut off by his voice which sounded much darker and sinister compared to his calm, cheery and annoyingly prideful voice. "Is she in one piece and unharmed?" as much as they would like to confirm that, it'd be worse if they lied to him and got killed. "Hopefully she is... But we don't know how long so we have to work quickly. Kurasuma, we'll need you to keep any of her relatives from finding out, that goes for the rest of you as we work on a way to retrieve your classmate." The instructed earning a nod, shivering from the glare they received from the rest of them. "If my student is harmed in anyway or killed, not only will I hold you responsible but I can reassure you that my students will make you pay for what you did."

Elsewhere, [reader] woke up by a tree, surrounding her was grass despite the large wall being intimidatingly high as if to keep someone or something out. She did scream though once she was more aware of the fact that she wasn't in Kansas anymore, "Where the fuck am I?!"

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