Chapter 3

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Titans. That's what those things are called. Given their size, that seems pretty accurate. And from what she had heard from the other two children she was currently with as they waited for their friend to awaken, the titans had first appeared over 100 years ago. They have a taste for human flesh and blood; humanity had been pushed to the brink of extinction. The titans had been kept outside the walls for many years until now; which was quite worrying since the walls could only hold in a limited amount of people. And since the ring is smaller the population might drop to an alarming rate. More like livestock. 'Poor kids...' [y/n] thought, 'They might go their whole lives not knowing what lies outside those walls' remembering what it was like to have freedom to go where they pleased and forgetting that she's a kid too just a little older than them by a few years. With how things are they might as well be living in a cage.

A sudden gasp snapped two of them out of their conversation and thoughts, the blonde went ahead to see if he could get to his grandpa, turning to see the brunette finally awaken. "Eren!" the dark haired girl quickly came over to him and grabbed his hand, "It's okay... It's just a dream..." her soft voice sounding relieved that he was finally awake. "It felt so real..." he sighed shakily, she pulled him up by his hand, "Shake it off, it was just a nightmare." looking to the [h/c] female, the blonde went ahead. "I don't think I have gotten your name." she said thoughtfully, "I'm [y/n]" she introduced herself to the two. "I'm Mikasa. This is my brother Eren." the male looked down, staring at the key around his neck. "Armin went ahead, they're serving food rations at this time." the three began walking together, going to get the food.

As they walked, [y/n] looked around their new environment, taking note how the place looked. It appeared that they were in an area not really suited for other humans. More on food storage. 'Seems appropriate' she thought to herself, 'To those things we are food.' glancing over to the lines of people receiving food and then others who began fighting with each other over food. "Hey guys!" a familiar voice snapped her out of her inner thoughts and she turned her head to the left where Armin was approaching them from, carrying bread with him. "Grandpa scrounged a little extra by telling them he has kids." giving each of them one loaf of bread. 'Oh the sandwiches I could make with this....' [y/n] thought, tuning them out again, though her cheeks turned a little red when she got their attention by her stomach growling. The attention was quickly gone when they heard a member of the garrison tsk, giving them a small glare as they walked away. "What's his deal?" Eren didn't hesitate on returning the glare, giving his attention to Armin. "Just ignore it, there's a shortage." he informed them, "Poor man's probably hungry." [Y/n] took a bite of her bread, thinking to herself again 'Hungry or not, no need to get jealous of kids. Although this bread... It won't satisfy enough of us.'

"Nothing's more gratifying than seeing the rations go to animals" that same guard commented as he watched a group fight over the food, catching the attention of all four of them. It took a lot for the young female to keep her blood lust in for being compared to such. "Guess we gotta beef up the heard though," he smirked, causing the anger to rise in two of the individuals, though one was hiding it better than the other. "Eat up, the titans like to have a little meat on their bones." First one to react was Eren, "Oughtta keep you in cages, shove you out to the front lines as a buffer." he scoffed as Eren approached and kicked him in the shin. That of course got him a punch from the older man and a kick from the other male next to him. "You're a bunch of spineless cowards! You don't know what it's like!" Eren yelled at them, gaining attention from the other adults who began to watch. [Y/n] began to approach as Armin quickly blocked the way, apologizing for Eren to keep him from getting beaten up more. After helping him up, the [h/c] girl looked at the man with a happy smile. "Sorry for these kids, they're just hungry." Of course her eyes however, thankfully the other three began moving Eren behind her hadn't noticed her eyes they were anything but happy. They held the rage and blood lust she was holding back. Seeing it just pent up in a girl her size was quite scary. Not as much as Mikasa when she's angry but still scary nonetheless. "Yeah well, keep in mind who's giving up their share so you can eat. In case you haven't noticed, we're all hungry. " he snapped backing away with his friend, "Tell your buddy that gratitude goes a long way!" Eren turned his gaze to the ground, grumbling to himself.

While the three went to go care for Eren and make sure he eats, given his stubbornness, [Y/n] went to wander the place they were in. 'Even though this is a new place, I can't let my training stop. I need to do what I can to survive or help.' she thought as she tried to find a place that was empty, where she wouldn't be disturbed. When waiting for Eren to awaken earlier, [Y/n] had gone through her bag to make sure she had everything, including her knife. With a small sigh, she set down her bag when she had found her area to do so. There were empty barrels here, probably forgotten that she could use for an obstacle course. There were also platforms she could use to climb, not as tall as trees but they would have to do for now. After fixing her clothes so that they wouldn't get in the way, she tied up her hair (Or not if you have short hair) and began training. While doing so, her thoughts turned to home; hoping that she'd survive long enough to get back in preferably one piece.

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