Chapter 12

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"I'm human!"

So that was it, that was Eren's answer. Regardless it didn't matter; Captain Woerman had already made up his mind and wouldn't have changed it no matter what Eren's answer was. He intended to raise his arm for them to signal that they were to fire on the four soldiers below them. "Forgive me, but when push comes to shove all of us are monsters." The second it was in the air, Mikasa ran to Eren and [Y/n] to Armin, "[Y/n] head for the wall!" Mikasa ordered as they began to run. As he was pulled, the key Eren held on a string around his neck slipped out of his shirt, as if taunting him that it held the answers he was looking for. At that moment, a memory of his surfaced when he was a child and his father was still around.

"Eren." Grisha Jaeger, Eren's father and Mikasa's guardian spoke in the memory; this happened the same day the titans had assaulted wall Maria, "Behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar."

That same key Eren wore on his neck was what his father had shown him in that memory. In another memory, Eren was the one holding it with the instructions from his father that he must keep it on him at all times and if he were to ever look at that very key, the thought 'I must return to that cellar' was to flood his mind with that single thought. It was also that same day where his father injected something into him to make him forget the memory for the time being.

It was that moment where Eren now knew and understood what he needed to do. Twisting his body, Eren pulled himself to get out of Mikasa's grasp and got to the ground. He pulled her and ran towards Armin and [Y/n], holding the three people he considered to be family close to him. The moment the canon ball was fired at them, he bit into his hand where the joint of his thumb was and bit into it, staring right at that canon ball. With a loud bang, a bright flash enveloped them blinding those watching and the next there was a large skeleton of a creature above them blocking the canon ball. Inside the rib cage were Mikasa, Armin and [Y/n] who were shocked where they were. And the soldiers outside of it looking on no longer had a calm expression, every single one was a look of fear and their screams matched their expressions but not able to express how much fear they held in their bodies.

"What the hell...?" [Y/n] was trying to absorb the information of what was currently going on. Above them, the thing protecting them creaked like a weak board in an old house, just waiting to fall to the ground below. Taking note of who was alright, [Y/n] noticed that Eren was missing. 'He's not next to any of us... Above...?' she thought looking up to see if she could spot him up there. She heard a release of steam from there, similar to any other titan noise when they're dead or regenerating a lost limb. 'Yep, he's up there.' she thought, hearing Eren make noises to get released from the titan's neck. "I know I heard them fire the canon at us and then...." Armin mumbled audibly, snapping the [h/c] female's attention to him, "There was a crash then a tremendous blast of heat." the blonde male's voice cracked as his bright blue orbs began to fill with tears. "Aparantly we're in the innards of a giant skeleto-" "Eren did this for us." Mikasa stated and sat down next to him, trying to get him to calm down. "If he hadn't we would've been hit by that cannon and sent all over the wall instead of above it." [Y/n] walked over and sat down next to them, "Eren's currently above us but I think he's getting out of it." Mikasa nodded, confirming what she had said, "That's all we need to understand for now." Nodding a little, Armin looked around at their surroundings and took note that there were purple flowers that were not there before. Before he could take a closer look, Eren called out to the three of them and ran towards them, having gotten down from the neck.

"Eren, how did you?" Armin began to ask his friend receiving an I don't know as an answer. "Look, it's already starting to vaporize like the corpse of a titan." Eren informed them, not sure how long the structure they were under was going to last, "We need to get out of here," he turned his head to look at the soldiers behind the smoke, "It's hard to tell if they're watching and waiting... [Y/n] do you sense anything?" She stood and brushed the dirt off her pants before walking next to him, "Aside from blood lust, no. I can't detect fear from them though it's obvious how much they have right now but I'm afraid it doesn't matter either way soon as they see us..." well she didn't need to finish that sentence when they knew what would happen once they did. Mikasa stood next, coming up with a plan for them to run. "After seeing this," Eren referred to the titan skeleton above them, "I think we blew any chance of reasoning with them. And I'm starting to remember the cellar and about this key." "What are you talking about?" [Y/n] frowned, she did meet them on the boats going into Wall Rose after all. "In Wall Maria, my parents, Mikasa and I lived in the Shiganshina district and our house has a cellar. My father said I had to back to it and that everything hinged on it." he held the key in his left hand, "I think that's why he gave me the power to transform. If I can make it back to the cellar I might learn the titan's secrets."

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