Chapter 13

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Trost district year 850, under threat from his own regiment, Eren Jaeger invokes his ability to transform to save Mikasa, Armin and [Y/n] but striking fear into the hearts of his fellow soldiers. Despite the brave stand Armin took to defend his friends lives, it had gone unheeded but for the intervention of one man; Dot Pixis, the highest ranking man in the Southern territory. 

"Excellently said you two, you both have the hearts of lions." Pixis patted Eren on the shoulder and gave [Y/n] an approving nod before standing tall and walking to the wall's edge waving his arm back and forth to get other officer's attention. "Staff officers hup! We have a plan to flesh out!" He had a feeling this would succeed even with a lot of casualties. "Wait what? We can't be seriously moving forward with this as our lynch pin strategy, it was just something I tossed out there." Armin warned with caution in his tone of voice. "I was thinking the same thing," Eren admitted, "Except he seems to know what he's doing." [Y/n] finished, wiping away any evidence of her crying with her sleeve. Eren nodded in agreement, "Like we can't see in the forest because of the trees and he's got a bird's eye view of it all." "Do you both think so?" Armin questioned and receiving nods from them both. "But there's another problem to deal with before we get that plan in motion." Eren warned, "And the commander may be keenly aware of it." "What do you mean?" Armin had a hint of what he meant but was not sure where he was going with this. "Titans aren't the only ones we need to worry about." [Y/n] told him and Mikasa and turned her [e/c] eyes to the soldiers below still waiting for orders to be given. 'It won't matter how good the plan is if we have to worry about other soldiers turning tail and running or don't believe anything at all.' She thought, she knew all too well how people reacted to those different or below them as a Class E student. After all at that school they were discriminated against just because they were in the lowest ranked class there because the principal had a specific ideal he wanted followed. 

"Look sharp soldiers," Pixis called to the four of them as he walked in their direction with at least three other soldiers following him, "The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders." [Y/n] smiled a little and pushed her [h/c] hair behind her ears, 'That was a little cliché' she thought with a light tone. The time was now for them to come up with a plan with hopefully little casualties if possible. Down below however as they planned, soldiers were talking to each other about the doubts they had to recover Trost. 

"Retake Trost, are they kidding?"

"Someone up top must've lost their marbles."

"How do they expect us to shore up the hole?"

"Is the brass that out of touch? It's a damn suicide mission!"

"Lost cause no doubt."

"Defending Wall Rose is the only real option here."


"Some upper classes pushing this through for the glory."

No doubt those who hadn't seen what happened in Trost and survived had been the ones spreading the doubt and disbelief about the plan. Those who did however were looking down at the ground still mentally and emotionally damaged on their first day in the field seeing their lives flash before their eyes, not knowing if that moment was going to be their last and the teeth was going to be the last thing that they saw.

"I can't... I can't go back."

"We'll die!" Screamed one of the soldiers near Marco, holding their heads in their hands as they had their mental breakdown. One of the soldiers in the Garrison regiment up ahead heard the commotion and went back, investigating who was making that noise despite Marco's attempts to calm them down. "Stop sniveling like a coward! Are you trying to give me the impression that you're a liability?!" he ordered as he stood before the soldier. "Sir please!" he pleaded, "Look at us! We're being marched to our graves like pigs to a slaughter!" The Garrison soldier took hold of his blade, staring down at him "You too good to sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity soldier or do you prefer I cut you down as an example to your comrades?" He threatened, giving him the choice of dying for humanity's survival or dying by the hand of a human. "Do what you gotta do," he crumbled under the pressure, "I'll take that than being fed to titans like candy any other day." Marco grabbed onto his shoulders, trying to keep him held together, "Get a hold of yourself!" It wasn't easy since that soldier was not the only one protesting this idea, he wasn't the only one who wanted to die. His voice carried through out the area, spreading discord amongst the soldiers still waiting for orders to be given. Some were trying to make another raise their voice just as loud as the other to cause enough of a panic there near Jean. None of them wanted to die there, they didn't trust this crazy plan at all or like the sound of it. Majority just wanted to escape and get back to their families, live to see another day, that's all they wanted.

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