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( the present )

Music played quietly in the background, while brooms swept, and bubbles popped.  Marie sat in her bed, lightly tapping her wand on a book, and biting the edge of her pen. She was focused on her job, filling out papers and researching.

She was waiting for the day when she got a call into the office, saying that she was a new auror. She had worked towards that job for ages.

She sipped her coffee, lipstick staining the rim. Her phone rang, making her jump in her chair, spilling her coffee and saying her clothes.

"Oh for the sake of dumbledore!-" She said, but was interrupted by another phone ring.

"Hello?" She answered, being as polite as she could.

"Ms. Wing, we have a preposition here for you, a promotion if you will. Come stop by this morning so we can see if you'd like the opening. "  Seraphina Picquery's voice sounded through the communication device.

Marie got excited.

"Of course! I'll be there as soon as I can! Thank you so very much!" She replied.

The two women bid their goodbyes and simultaneously hung up the phone.

Marie rushed to her bathroom, letting her hair down in their natural loose curls. Then she threw on a nice white dress with her black trench coat and black dress shoes.

She slipped her wand in the inside pocket of her coat, and took off all enchantments of everything in her home.

Soon she was sprinting down the staircase of her apartment building, running past everyone that was walking up them.

She walked at a fast pace, hurriedly and excitedly. But as she was making her way to the office building, she was stuck in a crowd in front of the bank.

She was pushed and shoved and all she heard was chants of finding witches and ending them.

"excuse me," A mans voice said as he pushed passed her.

"Hey-" She began, but she noticed the ginger-like hair and the blue coat.

"Newton?" She asked.

The man turned around revealing a familiar face.

"Marie..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, noticing his eyes traveling around and into the building of money.

He never answered, he just made his way into the bank, as if he was chasing something. And chasing something he was.

Newt was after a little creature, one of his most popular ones. It was Marie's favorite creature and she always spent time with it.

Marie watched as newt drew his wand out, aiming it at the Njffler.

"Newt! Don't you dare!" Marie scolded before he could cast a spell. She couldn't let the muggles see what he was doing.

"You just gotta get closer with him, taunt him with something." She told him. She took out one of her earrings, holding it out in her palm, watching the creature as it made its way cautiously to her palm.

Newt was amazed. But he did know she spent a lot of time with his Niffler.

"Thanks.." He said.

She nodded. "Now, what are you doing here?"

"I came to find a breeder that way I could get my gift for someone." He said.

A small 'aha' came out of her mouth. She found a little bit of relief in her as she found newt once more in her life. All the memories of them came flashing back.

"Well it was nice seeing you Newton, now i'm afraid I must be going. Keep your creatures in there, don't let a no-maj see them. Or else i'm going to have to turn you in. " She warned him and exited the building.

"Marie- Wait!" He called after her

She turned around, her curls landing perfectly.

"Yes Newt?"

"Is it alright if I write you?" He asked.

Marie smiled and nodded, heading back to the building where her new job was to be held.

She sat in a separate room, right next to the investigation room. She was nervous to find out what the position was, bur excited that she was earning a promotion.

Soon, her name was called. She walked inside the room with all the other Aurors and was bombarded with questions.

Soon, Marie was on her way to becoming an Auror herself.

As she was leaving the room, she ran into Newt once more but with another familiar face.

"Tina, what are you doing here? And you too." She asked.

"He showed magic to a no-maj, and forgot to obliviate him." Tina said.

Marie groaned, and looked at Newt. "I warned you Newton." She said and walked out with a butt load of papers.

"Wait, How about you and Mr. Scamander come for dinner. I'm sure I'm bound to have him down at my room anyways." Tina proposed. Marie gladly accepted, but not only for Newt, but wanting to catch up with Queenie.

"I'll see you tonight. Newt, don't do anything stupid." She said and walked out and made her way home.

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