November 23

69 8 0

Dear fuckface,
Hahaha joke.

Dear.... well dear whoever reads this online diary thing for laughs or advice or whatever your reason.

Everyone has a word they hate.
My best friend hates the word moist because it sounds nasty.
My aunt hates the word cinnamon because she can't pronounce it.

I hate the word perfect.

Why? Because what does perfect even mean.

My mom says my hair is perfect because it's curly, unique, and voluminous.
I think my cousins hair is perfect because it's wavy and easy to style.

I hate the word perfect because their is no definition.

I hate the word perfect because their is no definition

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I lied. What I hate is when a guy calls me perfect.

You think me caring is perfect?
You think my humor is perfect?
You think my attractiveness is perfect?
You think my awkwardness is perfect?

How it is that to you, all those thing make me perfect. But the reason the one before you left was because I was imperfect.

If I'm so damn perfect, then why did they leave!

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