chaptar 4

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Dean’s POV

I knocked. I heard scurrying feet, and a voice call. “Anna!” A moment later, a girl opened the door. She was pretty, with shoulder length, caramel hair. Her large, hazel eyes were rather taken aback. Probably because she had two guns pointed at her. I’d tap that, a voice in my head said. Then another girl came to the door, she was taller than the first, with golden hair pulled back in a hair-band. Actually, my subconscious corrected, I’d tap both of them. I glanced at Sam, who was just staring at the two girls, he’d been very quick to lower his gun. I nudged him. 

“You can lower your gun now,” the taller one said, looking at me with an almost blank expression, but even I could clearly see the lust. I smiled grimly, and did so.

“Christo,” Sam muttered behind me. Neither girl’s made any move. “See,” Sam said to me, rather smugly, “they’re not demons.” 

I just raised my eyebrows at him.

“Why don’t you come in?” one of them asked, hastily stepping aside.

Sam nodded, and brushed past me, I hesitated in the doorway.

“Come on,” the other girl said, laughing a little. “We don’t bite.”

“I’m Sam,” Sam said, ignoring my warning look. “And this is my brother Dean.”

“Winchester?” I stiffened.

“How did you know?” I accused suspiciously. They must be some kind of supernatural creatures, even if they weren’t demons. Not many people knew our last name. Unless...

“You knew our father?” Sam asked. I shot him a sideways glance.

“Yeah.” The taller girl said. “Well... at least not personally. Our parent’s hunted with him a couple of times.”

“You’re hunters?” I asked, feeling strangely deflated.

“Yeah. Oh. By the way, I’m Millie, this is Anna, my friend.” For some reason I had the feeling she was speaking more to Sam than to me. 

“Dean Winchester,” I stuck my hand out, raising my eyebrows and grinning at them, giving my best sexy look. Out the corner of my eye I saw Sam roll his eyes, and stifle a groan.

Anna discreetly nudged Millie and mutter, “I told you so.” Millie smirked at that. 

“So,” I said. “You texted us with the coordinates for this place?” I got to business.

“Yeah,” was Millie’s reply, it sounded almost like she was the voice of the two of them.

“On dad’s phone?” Sam pressed.

“How’d you get it?” I tacked on.

“John gave it to my dad,” Sam and I exchanged a glance as Millie said dad’s name. “and he gave it to us.”

“So you called us here just to meet us?” Sam asked. Out of all the questions that were running through my brain right now, and I knew were running around his, he had to ask that one.

“No. We’ve got a case that we need a bit of help with.” 

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Cross-roads demon,” Anna said.

“Damn,” I thought I heard Sam say, we exchanged another glance.

“So what’s the problem with the demons?” I asked.

“We’re thinking It’s deals being cut short. But we’re not entirely sure.” Millie went to a laptop on the dining room table, while Anna moved into the kitchen area.

“Do you have any evidence on this?” Sam asked, always the scientific one, I thought.

“Yeah.” Said Millie, from the laptop. “Wait, I’ll just try find it.”

“While she does that, anyone like a beer?” Anna asked, pulling four beers out from a small fridge.

demons, winchesters and us. (supernatural fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now