chapter 18

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a/n: this is mcderma's chap guys! she wrote this!


"Anna!" I yelled, running hurriedly over to her. I had completely forgotten that there was a demon in the room. I held her up and shook her gently. "Anna!" I repeated, "Anna wake up!" She groaned quietly in response. I felt a sense of relief rush over me, and a smile play across my lips. "You ok?" I asked. 

"Does it bloody look like I'm ok?" she snapped, "It feels like my head's been split in half." I couldn’t help but to glance at the back of her head, you know, just to check.  there was a bit of a gash, but I've seen her suffer much worse. I also noticed a reasonably sized cut on her wrist, but luckily it seems that it didn't sever any of her major veins. I looked up just to see Dean being flung into a wall, and then falling to the ground with a thud. "A little help, Sam?" he wheezed. 

"I'm workin' on it, Dean." he replied impatiently. Sam's giving the demon all he's got, but the demon seemed to be blocking most of his hits with a rather bored look on his face. I glanced at Anna, who was watching this as well.

 "Go help them. I'll be fine." she told me. No matter how much I wanted to say otherwise, she was right, they needed me more than she did. I got up and ran over to help Sam. The demon had his back facing me, so i quietly picked up a wooden chair that was conveniently placed quite close to me. When I got close enough to him, I used all my force to smash the chair over his head. I knew it wouldn't hurt him, but it definitely took him off guard. He turned to me, not looking all that happy about it. He swung his arm out, and I went flying backwards, hitting the wall next to Anna's, and falling to the ground hard. I got back up and slowly dragged myself back to help the brothers. After sending Sam flying to the right with ease, he glanced back to me, and sent me flying again, so he could go back and fight off Dean. I hit the wall a bit harder this time, and it dazed me, my vision slightly blurring. I could see Sam on the opposite wall to me, and, just as I, was trying to recover from the latest hit. Then on the wall to the right of me was Anna, frantically looking between us, trying to find a way to help us, but she knew that she couldn't. Dean was throwing hard-hitting punches, but it didn't make that much of a difference to the demon.

 "Yawn." he said loudly, before violently pushing Dean into the wall opposite Anna. I winced as the sound of the glass in a picture frame breaking as Dean collided with it, and I watched as he then slid down to the ground. The demon turned and started to walk towards Anna. I desperately tried to pick myself up, but the demon saw this and mentally pushed me back into the wall, holding me there this time, and putting pressure onto my chest. I gasped in surprise, and looked helplessly at Anna, who's eyes were wide with fear. There was nothing I could do.

demons, winchesters and us. (supernatural fan-fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon