chapter 23

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Anna’s POV

My eyes flew open, and I sat up, feeling strange. The feeling didn’t come from the stabbing pain  in my stomach though, it was something else, and the shocked looks coming from Sam and Dean weren’t helping either. 

“What?” I demanded at them, frowning.

The boys looked at each other.

“What?” I snarled at them, getting angry. I felt a cold, wet, hard thing nudging my hand. Rocky.

“Where’s Millie,” I asked Sam, knowing that he would be more likely to answer than Dean was.

Sam grimaced, but maybe that was caused from his knee, which was held in a tight grasp by his hand. But at least the guy answered me. “She’s coming.”

At that moment, the door opened, and Millie’s head peered around it. There was a rather haunted look in her eyes, like she was on a deadline or something.

“Hey Annie,” she greeted me, sounding weary. She glanced at Sam and Dean, and held their gaze for a moment. I felt like I was missing a piece of crucial information.

“Am I missing something?” I demanded.

Millie looked up at me, with a wide smile on her face, like she was seeing me for the first time. “How are you?”

I looked down at my stomach, where there was just a long, slightly jagged pink scar. I grimaced. “Fine. But where were you? And what’s happened?”

Millie just shrugged. “Never you mind.”

“Never you mind!” I echoed. “Never you mind! Millie! What the hell has just happened?” I was angry. Angry at Millie. Angry at Sam and Dean. There was some secret that they were hiding from me. Some secret in the glance they gave each other.

Dean got to his feet, and began pacing the room. Sam rubbed his knee somewhat distractedly, his eyes following his brother. Millie took a moment to take a deep breath, and sit down beside Sam on his bed.

“Do you remember what happened in our room?” Millie asked me.

I cast my mind back. “Yeah.”

“What do you remember?” Sam elaborated.

I frowned. “I remember being stabbed, right here,” I put my hand over the scar on my stomach. “And then it all goes black....”

“Anything else?” Millie pressed, her eyes narrowing.

I shook my head. “I think.... no.... nothing.... just waking up here. And those two looking shocked.”

Millie’s hand unwound from Sam’s, she stood up, and came to sit beside me. Rocky winding around her legs like a cat. It really was a strange sight to see a big rottweiler doing that.

“Well,” Millie started, staring into Sam’s eyes. “After the demon k....hurt you; Dean killed him with Sam’s demon knife. And then Dean and I brought you and Sam back here...”

“What happened to Sam?” I interrupted.

Dean’s pacing paused for a second.

“Just a cut on my knee that Millie wanted stitched,” Sam replied in an offhand voice.

“And Dean stitched you up...”

I interrupted my friend again. “Dean?”

“Yes,” Dean half-snapped. “I did.”

“While you were unconscious,” Millie continued. “Then we left you, and I went out to go see if we could go back into our room. We can’t. But I got our stuff. And then... I came back, and you were awake.”

I frowned, but that didn’t explain the haunted look in Millie’s eyes. That didn’t explain why Sam and Dean looked so shocked after I woke up. Millie was lying. And how I knew that? I lie professionally. And so does Millie, I know how her voice goes slightly higher when she isn’t telling the truth. But I’m the only one who notices, everyone we talk to doesn’t, because they don’t know us casually. 

“You’re lying,” I accused. Millie avoided my eye, and took a deep breath. If she wasn’t going to say anything, then I’ll continue. “I died, didn’t I? I didn’t faint. I died.”

Nobody made any move to contradict me, but nobody said anything either.

“I died,” I repeated forcefully.

demons, winchesters and us. (supernatural fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now