chapter 28

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Anna’s POV

As soon as Millie and Sam had left the room, Dean turned away from the table.

“And now that he’s gone. We’re free,” he said. I looked at him sideways, and Dean backtracked quickly. “I mean, we can keep going if you want. She is your sister after all.”

I stood up, then sat back down on Dean’s bed, beside a blood-soaked towel.

“It’s fine.” I said. “Something we can do though,” I continued, picking up the bloody towel. “Is tidy this place up. I’ve never liked hospitals.”

“Neither,” Dean said with a sigh. He got to his feet, and took the blood-stained towels into the bathroom. I heard a tap turn on. I packed up Dean’s first aid kit.

“Hey, Dean!” I called out, zipping up the small red bag. “Where do you want me to put this?”

“In the duffle,” Dean’s voice came, over the sound of the running tap. “Where my weapons are.”

I found the duffle Dean was meaning, and put the first aid kit away. Then I went into the bathroom, where Dean was wringing a towel under the tap. Most of the towels were reasonably clean, if not sopping wet. After we finished in the bathroom, Dean and I went back to the main room, and sat down on Dean’s bed. 

“Dean tell me something,” I started, breaking the silence. “After that... that demon attacked... what happened? And leave out all Millie’s lies please.”

Dean sighed, and lay back on his bed. “Well, what’s the last thing you remember?”

I scanned my memory. “Him cutting my cheek with my knife,” I answered, running my finger along the scar on my cheek, which remained from that slice.

Dean frowned thoughtfully. “Okay. There’s not much left to tell after that. The demon managed to um... stab you in the stomach. Then I grabbed Sam’s knife and stabbed the demon. So he’s dead. Then Millie and I brought you and Sam here, and stitched you guys up. Then we realized that you were... that you were dead. So Millie went and made a deal...” As Dean trailed off, I found myself staring into his gleaming emerald eyes. We were leaning in to each other so close. So close that I could trace the lines of his face with my eyes; and the angle of his nose, which had probably been broken more than once. Then I was tasting the scent of his musk on his lips. We stayed locked in the kiss, until Rocky started barking. I pulled away slowly, and stood up. Rocky came trotting over, his tongue lolling out. I grinned, and patted his head. Rocky thumped his tail against my leg. Rocky flopped to the ground in front of me. I sat back down on the bed. Dean’s hand found mine, and I looked at him, grinning. The door opened, and Sam and Millie entered, carrying several bags between them.

demons, winchesters and us. (supernatural fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now