chapter 32

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Dean’s POV

I had been around and around the main area of the warehouse, but had yet found no demons in need of my attention. I heard the sounds of battle from somewhere; but it sounded as if whoever was fighting, had it well under control. I considered going ahead without the others, but soon decided against it. It was almost completely silent in the building, except for occasional shrieks and hisses coming from whoever was battling. A sound cut the silence, pricking my ears and making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. A horrible, high howl of a dog in pain, the sound of snapping limbs and a final whine. I grimaced, yet continued walking. Someone ran across my field of vision, a knife in their hands, and light brown hair splayed behind them. It was Millie. I spurred myself into a run, and followed her. I came to a halt where Sam was surrounded by several demons; at least he was still on his feet. Millie and Sam whirled, and slashed at the demons. I flung holy water at as many as I could, to weaken them. I didn’t have a handy demon knife, nor could I remember any exorcism rituals, so I was just about useless to them. Nevertheless, I soaked my blade in holy water, and stabbed, which infuriated, and greatly weakened the demons. Several, overcome with pain, fled their vessels in a black mist. Unfortunately - or fortunately, for me, so I didn’t have to deal with any confused humans - no vessels survived. Sam stabbed the last demon, a wave of golden light passing through the demon as he fell. Sam stepped away, staggering, and breathing heavily. I hurried forward to my brother, stopping him from falling flat on his face. Once steadied, I released my grip on Sammy, and stepped away, awkwardly, as Millie gave me a look. 

“Where’s Anna?” Millie asked eventually, breaking the silence.

“I sent her off with Rocky,” I answered, looking down. “To hunt more demons.”

Our conversation was hushed, so as not to alert more demons, but the sound quickly ascended as a figure raced in, silently sobbing, tears forming snail tracks down her gently flushed cheeks.

“Anna!” Millie exclaimed, racing to her. The friends hugged, and broke apart. “Where’s Rocky?”

Anna sniffled some more, choking on tears, thick words poured from her mouth... but we all only registered one word. “Dead.”

The reaction was instantaneous. Millie shrieked aloud. Sam embraced her from behind, one hand over her mouth, shushing her. I backed away quickly, snagging Sam’s demon knife - which had clattered to the floor after the last kill, and had not yet been retrieved - and stood at the entrance, on the offense in case of danger. 

demons, winchesters and us. (supernatural fan-fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang