Chapter 11

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Bus Ride, Hike and Singing Chapter 11

We finally got on the bus and we left the school. I see the faces of my friends and you can tell they're already having fun on this trip, even though we just left the school five minutes. But not just my friends but the whole bus. The whole bus is filled with freshmen, all laughing and full of joy. I have to admit I'm kinda jealous of them. Before we got board the bus, Naminé wanted to take a picture of my friends and I. After the picture was taken, she told me that she only got a picture of the twins and one friend of theirs. That friend being... Riku. All honesty I thought that only my brothers were going on the trip. The thought of Riku and rest of them going on a camping trip seem far fetch. I mean, they are supposed to be the coolest people in school. Wouldn't they think a camping trip is stupid? Then again a whole week without school, that's something they will like. I guess. I just wanted a peaceful trip but on that I know that I'll be bullied the time while camping makes me depressed. Not to mention the inner turmoil I get everytime I see or think of Riku.

"Hey Sora, want some chips," asked Pence. I looked over at him and he was holding a bag of spicy chips. I took a chip and ate it. I then looked at Pence and he was still staring at me.

"What is it Pence," I asked him. His looking at me with understanding.

"I over heard what your sister said while we were boarding the bus, about how Riku is on this trip. Its safe to assume that if Riku is on the junior bus then so Seifer and the rest of them on it too," said Pence. I did thought the same thing, "We just need to hope that our cabin is far away from theirs and stay away from them the rest of the time. That way you don't have to suffer. It's the only way I can think of to have a somewhat good time." It made me smile that Pence was concern for me.

"Hey what are you two talking about over there," asked Hayner. He and Olette are sitting across the aisle and a row to the front. I don't believe that those two know that Riku and his friends are on the trip. Olette stand up a little and looked over us. I notice Pence suddenly got tense when she did.

"Oh... uh not-nothing. Just talking about this spicy chips haha," said Pence in a strange tone. It reminds me of how I am with Riku. He is also blushing a little. 'Could it be...? Does he have...?' "Right Sora," Pence asked me. I just nodded my head. Both Hayner and Olette look skeptical but they let it go and turned around. Pence let go of the breath he was holding.

"Pence can I ask you something," I asked him. He looks at me and nodded his head. "I know that what about to ask you is none of my business so you don't have to answer me. But do you have feelings for Olette." Right as soon as those words left my mouth. He turn stiff and red. He's even shaking a little. Pence keeps opening his mouth and closing it. I was starting to feel bad for asking him that question. "Like I said Pence you don't have ask me. You know what, just forget I asked and I'll forget all of my suspicions about the issue okay?" I really should have minded my own business. Pence then stop shaking and looked back to normal.

"I do," said Pence while looking down at the floor. I was right but when did he start? "Since she said her first words to me, I had a crush on her. I remember what she said to me." Pence then blushed again and smiled too. "I know you have a big heart. So let's be friends," said Pence repeating what Olette said all those years ago. I think I sort of remember that. But really that does seem like something Olette would say. So I have no doubts that she said. "After that I was always happy to see her and talk to her. Every morning I woke and thought I can't wait to see her. My thoughts were soon fill with her," said Pence. What he said reminds me of the position that I'm in. The position of being in love with someone doesn't know your feelings. However in his case, he isn't completely out of hope. Olette might expect his feelings and they might date? They could be happy with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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