Chapter 6

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The Decision is Made Chapter 6:

The weekend flies by really quickly and now is Monday. I wish it didn't though. I have to see Riku again. The last time I saw Riku was at the park where he stomped and kicked me. "I can't believe that I have a crush on my bully. What's wrong with me? How can I be having feelings to someone who can treat me like I'm dirt," I said lying on my bed. The whole weekend I spend cooped up in my room. The only time I left my room was for dinner. It seems that none of my siblings noticed that I was trying to hide my sorrows by locking up in my room.

"GOOOOD Morning, Destiny Island," The radio went off. I sighed and climb out of the bed. I got dressed in my school uniform and grab my bag-pack and then headed to breakfast. As walking in the kitchen I saw Leon only reading the morning paper.

"Good morning Leon," I said. He looks up from the paper and nodded his head. "Where's Naminé and the twins?"

"Naminé had an earlier morning class and the twins left before I got here," stated Leon. Seeing Naminé isn't and I don't have time to cook breakfast. My only option is a bowl of cereal. I grab all I need and sat down on the table. I looked at Leon and I notice he was staring at me.

"Uhh… Is there something wrong Leon?" I asked.

"I notice that you haven't brought up about you leaving Destiny High," said Leon. I totally forgot about leaving that school. After talking to my mother at her grave about my feelings for Riku, I was so depress about my feelings for him that I forgot about everything else. "Have you decided to stay?"

"I forgot… about it," I replied. Leon looked at me with so much intensity that it makes me feel so small. "I'm sorry Leon but I still want to leave," I said in a low tone but loud enough for Leon to hear me. Leon let out a sigh and started to speak.

"Look Sora, just tell me why you want to transfer," said Leon. I was about to speak but Leon continued. "I can tell that you're hiding something. But like Naminé had repeated a bunch of time, I'm really strict and can be right down scary. So you wouldn't tell me. But so you know, I'm worried about you Sora. You're my baby brother and I don't want anything bad to ever happen to you. So Sora, do me a favor; don't keep things to yourself, talk to someone." Leon got up and head towards work but he ruffled my hair first like he always does when he leaves. As I sit at the table, Leon's words repeated in my head. I was hoping that no one can tell that I was hiding something.

'I guess I'm not good at hiding my feelings. I wonder if anyone realized I have a crush on Riku,' I asked in my head. I finish eating my cereal and headed to school. Walking to school, I'm dreading walking though those doors and look over my shoulder and making sure that the coast is clear. 'I swear that with each day passes my feelings and the bullying is great stronger and stronger. I don't know how long I can keep going.' I reach the school and walked in. I manage to get to my locker without any trouble. After putting the books I don't need and getting the books that I do need. I close my locker and turn around but I bumped into someone. All my books that I haven't put in my bag fell out of my hands. 'Please don't let it be Riku or one of his friends,' I said in my head. I was scared that it was Riku, I close my eyes waiting for the pain to come.

"Sorry little guy I should've been looking were I was going. Not texting my friend," said a voice. I looked up and it turn out that it was Axel.

"Axel, it's you. I was thinking you… never mind," I said.

"You thought I was that dumb-ass Riku and his shit for brain shadows," replied Axel. He started to laugh at his own insult for Riku and his friends. "Man, I kinda wish that they were here after that bashing Hahaha." After hearing Axel laughing, it made me want to laugh too. One thing I notice of Axel is that he is hyper, childish, and funny. When I ever see him talking to his friends he hangs out with, they are always laughing. I guess Axel is just so much fun to be around. I giggled a little and spoke.

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