Chapter 4

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Hanging out with Friends Chapter 4:

"So I was thinking that tonight, we go out and have some fun out on the town," said Olette with excitement in her voice. I was thinking if I should go, I would need to ask Leon to let me go? Since it's a school night, he's pretty strict on matters of school. Leon would probably not let me go. "Come on guys! We haven't hanged out after school, not once."

"But we hang out like all the time. We are doing it right now. Aren't we Olette?" asked Hayner.

"This doesn't count. I mean go watching movies, go to the pool, go to a shop and eat. Things like that, not just in school," replied Olette. She is right, even though that we see each other very single school day. We never see each other after school and on the weekends. So she has a point.

"I-I-I thin-think we should g-g-go" stutter Pence.

"See you two," said Olette while walking to Pence. She put her arms around one of his. "Pence thinks that we should do it." Both Hayner and I looked at each other, and then looked at both the happy Olette and red Pence.

"Fine I will go," said Hayner. They all looked at me to know my answer.

"Well Sora, what do you say," asked Olette

"Umm… Well I don't know if I can go. I would have to ask my brother if it's okay to go out with you guys," I said.

"Hmm… Then let us know what he says. We will meet at the park, the one next to the school," stated Olette.

"Hey wait, why do you need to asked your brother? Don't you need to ask your parents?" asked Pence. I looked down while Hayner and Olette looked to him. I looked up a bit and saw that Olette was whispering something to Pence. "OH! I'm sorry Sora, I didn't know!"

"It's okay Pence. I never told you about that. I told Hayner and Olette the day you weren't here. So you couldn't know. It's really okay Pence," I said.

"I guess you're right. But still I'm sorry," replied Pence. I give Pence a smile. A sad one, but a smile none the less. Right then the bell rang and that means lunch is over. Today hasn't been bad at all; I haven't seen any of the bullies, even Riku. I'm happy but also melancholy of not seeing him. 'I guess they're all ditching school,' I thought. As I turn the corner I saw Axel about to turn too.

"Hello Ax-Axel," I said in a low tone. It seems that he heard me, because he looked at me.

"…Hi…," he said and then walked away. It seems that he doesn't remember my name. I can't really blame him. We don't talk at all. So follow that logic, it's only natural for him to forget my name. Which seems sad, because I thought him and I could be good friends?

'I wonder if there is a way to be friends,' I thought.

Riku POV

I told everyone that I wasn't feeling going to school, so we ditch. All except the twin's since they can't afford to ditch school. "Like for real, what's with the twins not coming with us," ask Larxene?

"They said something about 'home.' I didn't really pay attention to them," said Kairi.

"Screw the twins! If they want to stay at school then let them. It's they're lost," said Seifer. Since it's a school day we can't go to places where we really wanted to go. So we have been at the beach. The whole day. "The only thing I wish is we can go somewhere else."

"Somewhere fun ya'know," said Rai. They started to talk among themselves. I wasn't really feeling like talking to them. I just wanted to have a peaceful time away from school. Not an annoying one. I close my eyes to see if I can fall asleep.

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