Chapter 8

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Day full of Red Chapter 8:

Hello, my name is Axel Emblem. I'm 16 years old and I'm a junior at Destiny Island High. Today is my first day back to school since I was suspended for fighting. I was suspended for a week. The whole thing was the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Only I was suspended and the other guy just got one day of in school suspension. The reason he practically didn't get a bigger punishment was that he's Riku Star. His dad gives the school's a huge donation which influences the school to give that rich silver hair bastard a lighter punishment. Which means that one of this world's rules comes into affected. That rich people will always get better treatment. That is just bullshit; I mean we're all human beings.

That's one of the reason I hate that bastard named Riku. When people try to make conversation with the ass, he acts like 'why is this person talking to me.' Like he thinks he's better than everyone else. 'But news flash no you're not.'

Right now I just left my house and hoped into my car. The day I was sent home, my parents were at home waiting for me; they had me do every chores in the house. It was really tiring; the list of the chores was mowing the lawn all the way to fixing the roof of the house. Once it was time from me to go to sleep, the moment my head hit the pillow it was lights out for me. That's how exhausted I was from all of that. So now I'm happy that I get to go back to school for more reason then one.

I soon reached the school, I parked in the student parking lot and heading inside. The second I enter the building, right then I saw the bastard Riku in the far end of the hallway. I wanted to go over there and punch his head lights out but I just returned. I didn't want to get in trouble again and not for the same reason as last time. I kept my cool and walked the other direction. The best way to get myself to calm down is to walk away from the situation. I headed to my locker and then to my home room. But before I got to my class, I walk past the bulletin board. I notice the scores of the midterm test. I thought I should look at it. I saw my name as number fifty. I managed to get in the top fifty even though it's the last place of the fifty. I'll have to thank Saix for helping me study for it.

'I wonder who has the top score of the junior class,' I asked in my head. I looked at the top of the list and then I was sick of whose name was on top. 'Riku Star, smart ass bastard.' It's things like this that boosts the jerks ego. So he has brains and so what if every girl in this school wants the guy. That doesn't mean you can be an asshole. As I was about to turn, a hand was place on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw that it was Saix and Marluxia is right next to him, a few of my only friends in this school.

"Hey here you are," Saix said. "We've been looking for you."

"Yeah," commented Marluxia.

"Hey, yeah I got here a few minutes ago. When I got here I wanted to look for you two but then I saw the vain of my existence at the end of the hallway," I said with venom in my voice at the end.

"Riku Star," replied Marluxia.

"Yeah that asshole," I said.

"Get over that guy," said Saix. "I still don't understand fully why you hate him. I mean I know he can be jerk at times but I don't think you should hate him this much?"

"Well if you know him as long as I know him, you would. You see he has that attitude that says I'm better then you and the jack ass is a complete bully. You know I can't stand those types of people," I said to my friends.

"It's weird, I never seen him bully anyone until this year," said Marluxia. I know who he's referring to. Sora, the poor kid that was about to transfer out of this school because of that jerk. But I wasn't going to let that happen. Riku and his friends have scared so many people out of this school, I'll be damned if that happen again. "But it seems that his gang is only going after that one freshman it seems."

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