Chapter 10

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Accidental Fall Chapter 10:

It's been more than a week since the morning when Riku and I ran into each other. It hadn't been easy these past few days. Riku and his friends have still just been harassing me, but for some reason Riku seems different. It seems that he's there but not really, like his mind is somewhere else. The way he looks at me while he is insulting me, his eyes just read something else. I would be walking down the hallway or outside one of the schools buildings with my friends and he would push me down and say something hurtful like always. I looked into his eyes and where he usually has hated but not anymore. He started to give me that look from that morning when it was just me and him.

At this very moment, I'm outside on my porch with my backpack and camping bag. It's the first day of the camping trip and really I was hoping to be more excited for it. But just as I feared, I don't think I'll enjoy this trip at all. But I have been thinking about my friends and how they've been there supporting me. Just hearing them and how they are looking forward to this trip gives me the motivation to try to enjoy the events.

"Even though I don't think I can fully have a good time. But my friends deserve it and I'll try for them," I said. I hear the front door open behind me. I looked behind me and saw that it was Leon.

"Oh good you're here Sora," Leon said. "Roxas and Ventus are ready and I see that you are too." Leon and Naminé decide that they would take us to the school for the trip. I asked them why yesterday and Leon said he wanted to make sure I get there safe and Naminé wanted to see me off on my first camping trip. She even said that she'll bring a camera to take my picture of me getting onboard the bus. Sometimes she acts just like a mom. "Naminé hurry up or forget the camera. The Boys are ready!" I looked inside and see Roxas and Ventus with their bags. They have fear in their faces.

'Right since we're all going together, Riku and the rest of their friends might find out that I'm their younger brother,' I thought. It's too late to do anything about it. I honesty forgot about my brothers. I've actually been trying to stay my distance form both of them. I only talk to them if I have to. For example, when I don't want Leon or Naminé to think that there is something going on with the three of us. 'But I can't do anything about it now.' I hear Naminé running down hallway with her camera.

"Sorry, sorry. I just have to get a picture of Sora on his first trip," said Naminé.

"Naminé please it's embarrassing," I told her. I really don't like these kinds of things.

"Sorry Sora, but seeing those pictures the other day made me realized that we haven't taking photos for a long time." She said. "So that's why I want to get a picture of you guys. Once we get to the school I'll take a picture of you and all yours friends."

"NO," yelled both Roxas and Ventus. Leon, Naminé and I turn to them.

"Why not," asked Leon in a suspicious tone. The twins looked at each other for a bit.

"Cause we should take a picture right now," said Ventus. I looked over to Naminé and she seems to be thinking about it. But she seems to like the idea.

"You know what? That seems like a good idea," said my sister. Our sister moved her hands signaling for us to move closer to each other, even Leon as well. "All you boys get together and give me a warm smile." I don't know if I could really smile while I'm standing with my brothers. I used to but that was never forced. It just came natural before and that's how I like it. "Leon I know smiling isn't your thing but I'm including you as well. So smile." Leon grunted at Naminé.

"This is all you're getting from me," Leon said with his natural look. Naminé rolled her eyes and focus the camera. Once she thought that it was perfect she snap the photo. I try to give a smile that shows that nothing's wrong. A smile that doesn't show how much pain I'm in between having brothers who don't want to be known as my brothers because they're friends with people who are bullies. The smiles I could give people before I entered High School. Before I meet Riku and his friends, really I missed my non-trouble life.

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