Chapter 7

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Family Outing Chapter 7:

After I told my friends of what I've been hiding from them, they were all too shocked to even speak at all. You can see it in their faces that they wanted to say something but their mouths just wouldn't let the words come out. I didn't know what to say either; I was never planning on telling anyone about my feelings for Riku. We're all just sitting in silence for a couple of minutes and then I said we should get to school. All three of them didn't agree or nodded their heads; they just stood up and started to walk away. I was starting to feel that I made a big mistake but it's too late to take back what I said. So I started to follow them. The silence between all of us continued and I started to get scared that they couldn't take me having a crush on Riku. They just kept walking like zombies.

We soon reach the school and as soon as we enter the D-building. We all went to our own lockers; none of our lockers are next to each other. After getting my things, I just head to my home room. As I was walking to my first class of the day, I notice something on one of the bulletin board of the school. It was the sign-up sheet for the camping trip. I read what the sheet said.

For all freshmen who would like to go to the school's annual camping trip, please sign up now. The numbers of freshmen are limited.

"I should sign up Hayner, Pence, and Olette too. We wanted to sign up for all the events that this school is holding anyway," I said to myself. I sign all of us up and then headed for class. I was so worried about my friends and what they now thought of me. I didn't even think about running into Riku and the other bullies. I soon reach my homeroom and sat down. Soon class began and people were coming in. I notice that my friends were the last ones to enter; they all sat at their seats. Pence sat next to me but he and I didn't say one word to each other. It was like that for the rest of the day. I didn't even eat lunch with them. I spend it at the library. It was the last class of the day and 5 minutes for the bell. That's when an announcement came on.

"Listen students of Destiny High School. The results of the midterms have been posted. If you want to know how you did, I suggest that you take a look. They are posted in the D-Building as well as a copy of your grades have been sent home already. That is all," said the announcer.

The bell rang and I gather my stuff quickly and head outside first. I don't know what to say to my friends now and I know they don't know either. I think it would be best if I just let them alone for a bit. Maybe we can talk about my revelation tomorrow. I'm heading home but soon I came across the bulletin board in the D-building. To tell you the truth I was kinda curious on what my rank was. There we a lot people here as well. Seeing that I'm pretty short, I really couldn't see over people and the print is too small that you couldn't really read anything from the back. So I made my way to the front. When I did, I read the board and it said 'The top 50 highest test scores for the senior classes.'These were the senior class mid terms. I read the person name that has the highest score. It was some girl by the name Serah Farron. "I know I her. She is the Flower Club's president,"I said in my head. I went over to the freshmen scores. The first person name I read was Pence's name. "Pence has the top score. Well no surprise with that, he's really smart,"I tried to look for my name lower down but I couldn't find it. I thought I would be at least in the top fifty. I was about to head home but then I heard someone say something.

"Can you believe that two freshmen tie for the highest score? I heard that some teachers talking and they say that never happen before," said a male student.

"Someone tie with Pence for top score?"I took another look and saw that person name.

"What, I have the top score too," I said but I said it out loud. People that were around me looked at me but I just headed home. I didn't thought that I was going to have the highest score or that I would tie with Pence but I was shocked. I made it home and I walked in. The moment I did, I heard Leon talk in the other room. He sounded like he was scolding someone. I walked in the room and I saw Leon and Naminé looking disappointed. At the other side of the room I saw Roxas and Ventus sitting down on the couch.

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