II - Start of something new

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II - Start of something new

AFTER being satisfied of her outfit, Camila tear her gaze away from the mirror and grab her phone on the counter. There's a text from Shawn saying the car was already waiting outside the hotel and some of his body guard will escort the young latina so she don't have to bring her own escort. Camila's manager, was really strict and won't allow her to go without a chaperone so she don't have any choice.

"Dang, Chanch who are you trying to impress?" Dinah who's also all dress up raised her perfectly shape eyebrow at her. "I thought you're going to the concert?"

Camila groan at her teasing friend. "I'm just wearing a crop top and skinny jeans. What the hell are you talking about?" She ignore her annoying friend and proceed to pick up her guitar case and slid it in her shoulder. "What are you doing here in my room, anyway? You have your own room."

"Nothing, I just want to annoy you before you go on your date."

"It's not a date, Dinah." Camila massage her forehead. "How many times do I have to tell you that? Shawn is a close friend of mine, I'm comfortable around him and we share some common interest but it's not going to happen."

"Why not?" Dinah tilt her head to the side like a cute little puppy. "Why don't you give it a try? You guys have great chemistry and you get along really well, you said that yourself. And you make out once! Friends don't do that to their friends."

"Oh my god!" Camila buried her face on her palm in annoyance but there's undeniable shade of red visible on her cheeks. The kiss she shared with Shawn happened years ago during Austin's tour and she can barely remember any of it. It was a game they all played and Camila just willingly agreed to do that because she was trying to make a certain green eyed girl jealous, which she succeeded but that's not the point. The event never crossed in Camila's mind again not until Dinah mention it. "You know why I did that stupid dare!"

"That's not the point--"

"You don't have a point, this conversation is pointless." Dinah rolled her eyes at her friend's stupid pun. Camila have and idea on what her friend is doing but that's not going to happen.

"Alright, alright." Dinah give up, she raised her hand in surrender. "Enjoy your jamming session, say hi to Shawn for me."

"Bye, China!" Camila open the hotel room door but she was greeted by a familiar green eyes staring in her brown one. Lauren's hand was raised, obviously about to knock before Camila open the door.

"Hi," the familiar raspy voice said. "Is Dinah there?"

"Y-Yeah," Camila wanted to curse herself for stuttering which always happen whenever she's around her band mate. The smaller girl return Lauren's shy smile before gesturing toward the door. She bit her lower lip before walking fast and without saying anything. She know her action is kinda rude and that Lauren is now looking at her but Camila just continue walking. The brown eyed girl was truly happy for Lauren but right now she still can't face her former lover. The wound still not healed completely.

Camila did not expect the media's overwhelming presence, the car was immediately swarmed by paparazzi and the brown eyed girl was almost crushed when they all saw her. After a few minutes of struggle they manage to enter the building alive. Shawn immediately greet her at the entrance, apologizing profusely.

"I honestly don't have any idea how they know you're coming here," he explain.

"Shawn, it's okay. Things like this happens all the time, they must have spies or something." Camila quickly said with a smile.

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