VI - Never Be The Same

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VI - Never Be The Same

(A/N: in honor of Camila finally having a boyfriend here's an update lol)

THE movie is not going to start for another thirty minutes, meaning they have more time to kill. They both decided to buy food for the movie; Shawn wanted the classic popcorn but Camila want to eat donut so they decided to buy both. The brown eyed girl almost bought every flavor since its Shawn’s treat and the guy just shrug his shoulder. The guy on the counter was looking at them weirdly, mostly because of their weird disguise. They are both wearing a snapback and a freakin sunglass for god sake.

Needless to say, Camila finished her donuts before the movie even start and the petite singer even help Shawn with his popcorn. The brown eyed guy just shook his head with a smirk while trying to focus more on the movie playing rather than the beautiful goddess beside him who's stealing his food. But it's kind of hard when their hands would occasionally brush against each other.

Camila doesn't know if the film was that funny or it's just because of Shawn’s company but the brunette found herself tearing up because of laughing too much. It's been a long time, almost feels like forever, since she had this fun. Shawn was proving that it was a great idea going out with him.

"I don't know 'bout you but I kinda saw that coming," Shawn said animatedly while the duo was exiting the cinema.

"No fucking way!" Camila said unbelievably, eyes wide and brows up.

"I swear! I knew that the heart of Defiti belongs to that lava monster or something." The tall guy's attention was on the brown eyed girl so he didn't see someone was in his way and accidentally bumped into them. "Oh, sorry."

"It's o--kay," the stranger's eyes went wide when she recognize who's in front of her.

"Oh my gosh, you are Shawn Mendes... and you are Camila Cabello." The teenage girl pronounce the Camila’s name correctly proving she’s not just some random fan.

Camila cursed inside her head because this isn't good, she's not sure if both their manager would like this kind of publicity. Roger specificay told her to lie low to  the media for the meantime so they would focus more on the fifth harmony. If someone recognize them and if the media finds out, she’s a dead meat.

“Uhmm. I-I’m not-- “ she stutter, the brown eyed girl knew that she’s a terrible liar. Camila look over at Shawn who just shrug at her.

“Oh my gosh,” the young girl whisper in complete awe; just staring at the duo with wide eyes.

“Uhm, what’s your name?” Shawn asked the fan unsurely.

“I’m Eve. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is real.” The girl started fangirling silently, to Camila’s relief. But her jumping up and down was starting to call attention.

“Uhm, listen” Camila said, grabbing the fans shoulder to stop it from jumping and look at her straight in the eyes. “Can we keep this a secret? Just the three of us?”

“S-Secret? The three of us? We have a secret?”
“Yeah,” Shawn said, flashing his pearly white. “We actually just sneak out and if our manager learn this, we’re both dead.”

“We need you to not tell anyone that you saw us here now.” Camila said seriously, hoping this to work.

“Okay! You guys can trust me. I won’t even ask for pictures and I know you deserve a privacy. I won’t tell anyone; you guys can trust me.” The girl said, throwing her fist in the air. “But can I at least have an autograph?”


“No problem.” The duo said in unison.

After signing the young girl’s jean jacket, the duo decided it was time to go home. But on their way out they noticed some people are looking at them weirdly, fortunately no one dared to approached them or else they wouldn’t know what to do. They finally make it to the parking lot when they saw a group of paparazzi camping out of the mall, and the two was almost blinded by flashing lights when they all spot them.

“Holy fucking shit,” Camila hissed to herself and immediately look down to avoid the camera.

“I told you to wear your disguised, you don’t want to listen.” Shawn said and carefully place the sunglass to the Latina’s face.

“Because they’re hideous!” she hissed. After fumbling for a couple of seconds, Shawn finally manage to open the car door.

“I wonder how they found out we’re here, surely it wasn’t that one fan’s fault.” Camila wondered loudly.

“I have no idea.” Shawn said while maneuvering the car.

Camila decided to check some update accounts on instagram because she swear her fans probably plant some chips on her because they always know her locations. After scrolling for a couple of seconds she saw pictures of her and Shawn sneakily captured while they are playing on the arcade. She swears she didn’t notice anyone creeping on them.

“Shawmila was trending for almost an hour on twitter now,” Shawn said while looking on his own phone, while waiting on the red light. “Apparently they could still recognize us even with our disguised.”

“Because a sunglass and a snapback is not a disguised,” the brown eyed girl said while rolling her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I thought it would work.”

“Hey it’s okay, it’s not your fault.” Camila reassured her friend because she can see the guilt all over his face. She didn’t want him to think that it’s a bad idea when in fact she never enjoys herself like this in a long time. "And don't mind them, they just want some attention and there's nothing wrong with two friends hanging out."

"Are you sure you're not mad at me?" Shawn asked running his free hand through his hair, who she just notice was a bit longer now.

"The only thing I'm mad about is you forcing me to wear that stupid excuse of a disguise." The brown eyed girl joked, earning an eye roll from her friend who can't hide his smile. The gesture makes Camila smile because she always finds his sass adorable. "You can make it up to me by treating me to a frozen yogurt."

Shawn look at the Latina like she just grown another head. "But you just eat! I swear you eat twice as much as me and that's not normal considering how small you are!"

"Oh my gosh, stop whining and bring me to the nearest frozen yogurt shop!" Camila demanded, slamming her hand on the dashboard to emphasize her point.

"You're impossible!" Shawn said, his laughter brought warm inside Camila's chest and she found out that she like it.

The journey to the nearest frozen yogurt store was filled with laughter’s, lame puns and corny jokes. The incident at the mall and the paparazzi was totally forgotten. Shawn park his car on the sidewalk and pick up two frozen yogurts before running back inside the car.

"Here's your banana flavored with sprinkles yogurt, Madame."

"Such a gentleman," Camila said batting her eyelashes dramatically before picking up her own yogurt and shamelessly devouring it. Her childish gesture earned another heartfelt laugh from the Canadian.

They eat their yogurt inside the car before driving back to Camila's hotel. By the time the car stopped in front of the hotel, the Latina's cheeks are hurting from smiling too much. She's already thinking when will their schedule match again.

"I had really fun tonight," Camila said even though it's quite obvious base on the smile on her face. “I’m gonna be on Miami next month we’re having a break; you should come if you have free time,” the brown eyed girl said without thinking. “I mean, you said you wanted to visit so I figured next week would be the best time?”

“I’d love to!” Shawn said immediately. “But you know I’m gonna have to check my schedule first so I’m not confirming anything.”

“That’s enough.” Camila’s phone started ringing and her manager’s name flashed on the screen. “I have to go; I guess this is it.”

“Wait,” Shawn get out of his car and run towards Camila’s side and open her door for her. He didn’t say anything but just smile sheepishly at the brown eyed girl.

“Always the gentleman, I see.” Camila didn’t know what suddenly came to her mind and she absolutely didn’t even see herself tiptoed and place a short but soft kiss on his cheek.  But it’s already too late to take it back so she just wave shyly at her friend and walk towards the hotel’s entrance leaving a stun Shawn.

None of them  notice a faint flash of camera

A/N: no proof read

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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