III - Still Into You

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vandalismKCCE hi :))

III - Still Into You

A LOUD ringing of a phone woke a peacefully sleeping Shawn, he ignore it at first and forced himself to go back from sleeping but the caller can't seem to take the hint. He reached the phone from the night stand lazily, still refusing to sit up properly. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the caller's name and swipe right to answer the phone.

"Camila?" He asked, voice a bit hoarse from sleeping.

"Hi," the girl on the other side answer shortly.

"Don't tell me you woke me up in the middle of my nap just to say hi?"

"Why are you sleeping? It's two in the afternoon," Camila said, but Shawn can't help but notice that the usual enthusiasm in her voice was absent. And Camila rarely called him, she usually just slide a message in this inbox whenever she wanna hang out. There must be a problem. "You can go back to sleep, I'll call later-"

"No," Shawn interrupt her. "I'm already wide awake anyway, tell me what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong, I'm just super bored and I know you're also here in LA so I thought why not bother you?" she followed that statement with a forced laugh.

Shawn shake his head, he didn't buy her excuse. He know Camila for years now and he can tell when she's upset or not, and right now Shawn's one hundred percent sure that there's something bothering the brown eyed beauty. "Come in my place so we could talk about it properly. I'll text you the address of this hotel."

Camila sigh before answering with a short, "Okay."

Shawn lay on his back again and stare mindlessly at the ceiling. His thoughts were on his friend, he have an idea on what's making her upset but he don't want to cross the line by asking about it. It's all over social media, Lauren just came out and Camila was heart broken, he have a hint on what's actually going on. He knew about Lauren and Camila, all their close friends know about their relationship. That's exactly the reason why Shawn back off, and because the brunette was really happy so he was also happy for her. But that's not the situation now and he hate to see the girl sad.

He really like Camila but he know that it's not gonna happen to he move on...kinda. He had other girlfriends but he have to admit that his friend will always have a special place in his heart. But he's been friendzone too many times to try again. He accepted that it's all the brown eyed girl can give to him.

Shawn lost track of time and the next thing he knew was the door bell has been ringing non stop. He open his door to a smiling Camila and it warm his heart for some unknown reason.

"I bring food to pig out," she said raising a box of pizza on the right hand and a plastic bag on the left.

"Nope," Shawn shake his head. "I don't know 'bout you but I'm trying to maintain my perfect figure." Camila burst into laughter on his funny joke and it made Shawn smile widely. Her laugh sound really nice, it was a bit unladylike like but that's what Shawn like about Camila, she's unique. Also, it shows that the brunette was really comfortable around Shawn.

Camila deposited the content of the plastic bag on the small table in the living room and Shawn's eyebrow automatically arched when he saw a two set of six pack canned beer. "What?" Camila asked when he catch his eyes. "I'm on the mood to drink today," she said defensively despite Shawn not even saying anything.

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