V - She Look So Perfect

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V - She look so perfect

She look so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear and I know now, that I'm so down. Her lipstick stain is a work of art. I got her name tattooed in arrowed heart and I know now, that I'm so down.

"WHY DO you look like that?" Camila can't help but ask as soon as she enter the Canadian's car, she followed that question with a giggle.

Shawn smirk at her, "Why do I look good? It's all in my genes."

"I mean why do you look so suspicious...like, are you going to rob a bank or kidnap some child?" Camila keep laughing as she put her seat belt on. At first she thought she enter the wrong car because there's some stranger dude sitting on the driver seat, but when she look closely it was just Shawn. He's wearing a snapback with "$" sign on the front and had some big ass shades on. Camila never saw him in snapback, she saw some pictures but that just it.

"Stop that," Shawn frown, but it looks more like a pout and that makes Camila burst into laughter. The Latina was now clutching her stomach and almost tearing up because of laughing so much. "Hey, just so you know, you have your own disguise." Shawn handed her a pick snapback with "bo$$" printed in bold letter and a heart-shaped rimmed sunglass.

"There's no way in hell that I'm gonna wear that poor excuse of a disguise." Camila said handing back the snapback and sunglass to the guy.

Shawn huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes at the brunette. "Whatever."

"Where are we going, though?" Shawn just shrugs his shoulder and start the car engine. Instead, he turn the radio on and his song "Mercy" was currently playing. "Have I told you how much I love your album?"

"Do you?"

"Yeah. I relate to most of the song, sometimes I even feel like it was written for me." Shawn just hums in response.

The car ride was silent and only the song playing on the radio can be heard. Camila was resting her head at the window glass while staring into nothing and Shawn's eyes were focused on the road while occasionally tapping his long finger at the steering wheel. It was a comfortable silent, not the awkward kind. The two were enjoying each other's presence; they don't need to talk or communicate. Sometimes they would glance at each other, brown orbs meeting another brown, then a smile would crept its way into their faces.

After fifteen minutes or so, the car finally stops.

"Really? A mall?" Camila look at the building where Shawn parked his car. She has to admit, she can't remember the last time she go to a mall, all things she needed where given to her. They have their own stylist who decided what they should wear during red carpet and some other occasions. Her casual clothes are from fans and her mother usually does the shopping for her.

"Yeah, I don't have any reservation in any restaurant," Shawn said while scratching the back of his neck. "I thought it would be nice to go in a mall and have a normal night like a normal people. But if you don't like that, we can drive to the nearest restaurant here, lemme just check—"

"No, it's fine." Camila said immediately and hold his wrist, he was holding his phone and already on the process of searching any available restaurant. "Actually, it's great. It's been a long time since I go to a Mall and I think I'll have a good time here. I'm craving with some chicken nuggets, by the way."

Shawn smile brightly before pulling his stupid snapback on the compartment. "We really have to wear this if we want a normal night."

The brown eyed girl rolled her eyes at the Canadian but she did obey his order; though she still think it's kind of hard not to notice Shawn, for one, he's really tall and is hella good looking even behind those hideous disguise.

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