IV - Never be alone

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**no proof read but here you go :)

IV – Never be alone

SHAWN was again forced to rouse from sleep because of a loud unfamiliar ringing of phone. He open his eyes and found Camila resting half of her body on his lap and still sleeping peacefully. He tried to wake up the Latina by shaking her shoulder but she just grumble something before turning her head to his direction and wrap her arms around his waist. Shawn gasp because of their position but remain stay stilled. The phone began ringing again so pick it up reluctantly, it was Dinah's name who flash on the phone's screen. He answer the phone but before he can have a chance to open his mouth he was greeted by a combination of angry and worried voice of the Polynesian girl.

"Mila! Thank God you answer, I called you like a hundred times already. Do you know what time it is? Where the heck are you?!"

Shawn slightly put the phone away from his ear, he check the time and grimace because it's already past one in the morning. "Hello too, Dinah."

There's a pause from the other line, and he heard a raspy voice asking, "What's wrong, Dinah? What happen?" Shawn was sure it was Lauren. Then it looks like he was on speaker because he heard other panicking voices. "Oh, my dear God. I hope she's okay, we have to pray together guys," and there's the hysterical one; "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, we really have to tell Sinu that she's missing, we should call the cops. Is that the kidnapper?" Shawn wanted to bang his head on the nearby wall because the girls are screaming on the other side.

"Who are you? What did you do to my girl, Mila? Where is she?" Dinah's voice came back again and the Polynesian was now full on screaming. "Answer me you son of a—"

"Dinah it's me Shawn," he cut off the screaming girl before she start cussing, he was actually scared for his life. Dinah can be pretty scary if she want to. "She's with me now, you guys have to calm down."

"Shawn? Shawn Mendes?" Dinah sigh in relief. "Thank God. I'm sorry for screaming I was just worried for Mila."

"I think you just broke my eardrum but it's okay, I understand." Camila shift on his lap and tighten her hold on his waist before murmuring something.

It looks like Dinah heard her friend because the next thing she say was, "Where is Mila? Can you pass the phone to her?"

"Oh, uhm..." Shawn didn't know how to say it without them interpreting it out of context. "She's sleeping right now."

"What?" there's another paused on the line. "Should I come pick her up or she's staying the night?" Shawn's cheek heat up at the blonde's question.

"I think you should pick her up, she's kinda drunk." He said while scratching the back of his neck. It didn't take long for the girl to answer.

"I'm coming, text me the address."

After half an hour, the Polynesian girl was knocking on his door. Shawn open it and offer a shy smile to the girl. He ushered her to the living room where Camila was now lying on his couch. He noticed the girl scanning his place for a brief moment and he wanted to apologize because it still look like a mess. There's two box of pizza on the floor and cans of beers scattered around the room.

"Mila," Dinah shake the sleeping girl but she didn't get any response. After a few minutes of shaking and screaming, finally Camila open his eyes. "We have to go back to our own hotel now, Mila."

"Five minutes more," Camila said. "Tell Mani to shower first."

Dinah groan at her friend and Shawn forced himself not to laugh because Camila was really cute, even when drunk. After another minute of trying, Dinah finally manage to get Camila on her feet, the smaller girl immediately cuddle on her friend. "Thank you for taking care of this loser, Shawn. I really hope she didn't traumatize you."

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