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I wake up to find my mother beside my hospital bed.

"What happened? I don't remember anything."

"Alex, you, you, well, you died sweetheart. You died."

"No, mom. You don't understand, I have no idea how I got here, in this hospital, in this bed! What happened? What happened? How? Just how....." I went off panicking.

"Sweetheart, calm down. You had an anxiety attack and I couldn't get you under control, so I called an ambulance."

"But.... I didn't even know I got anxiety attacks."

My mother looks at me weirdly, "honey, you've had them since you were ten. How do you not remember?"

"I don't know. What's wrong mom? How long was I really out for?"

"Only two and a half minutes. Apparently it did something with your brain. I'll go get the doctor."

She walked out, and I didn't put up a fight. I love my mother dearly. But why did I get these anxiety attacks?

Most importantly, why in the world did I live? I should've died, and we all knew it.


My Doctor walks in and looks surprised to say the least.

"Well, Alexis-"

"It's Alex."

"Alex, sorry. I am here to tell you that you living is a miracle to us all. You were out for a good Three Minutes, and right as we were about to call the Time Of Death, you started to breathe again. We do not know how this happened, but you should be very happy. Have a great day, you are free to go because believe it or not, you were out for two days. There is nothing wrong wi-"

"If there was nothing wrong, then why can't I remember anything, or when I started to have these panic attacks?"

"Alexi-, Alex, that is normal when you've been in a coma for a couple days. You may never remember why you have had Anxiety Attacks before, and that may a good thing."

"How is that even possible that it's a good thin that I can't remember?"

"If you don't remember why you've started to have Anxiety Attacks-"

"-then I won't know why I have to worry about something and break down."

"Exactly. You are free to go. You can pack up your things while I talk to your mother."

Once I nod, she turns and leaves. I sit on my bed for a minute or two and rethinks everything she just said. Believe it or not, it makes sense. Now, I don't have to worry about things anymore. My Sophomore year may be saved now.

Thank Sweet Baby Jesus!


"Ma'am, you and I both know that she didn't come here with a panic attack. She doesn't even have those. What happened?"

"Let's just say that that is my business. I know that you're the Doctor, and I respect that, but you do not need to know about our personal lives. There is however a reason why she lived again, and for that I am grateful, but hopefully she'll stay away from that boy for sure. Though, I feel that he is the reason she lived. It's always something with that boy, if she goes aroud him again you'll see her again."

"Well, it seems that she lost all of her memory this time. If she truly does love this boy, her heart will find a way to find him again. Now, if you excuse me, I have another patient to attend to."

"It's him isn't it?"

"Goodbye Jennifer."

With that the Doctor left to attend to her patient.


Patients PoV.

I wake up and the memories rush back.

"Leave me Alex, I can't do this again. You know I love you, I've said it multiple times. If you don't leave now, you'll forget me again, trust me, I don't want that again. Every time you forget me. I always remember. It hurts."

"I can't let you go Lane. I can't. If you don't want to remember, let's forget together."

"There's no such thing for us to forget together, I CAN'T FORGET! DON'T YOU GET THAT? I CAN'T STAND REMEMBERING WITHOUT YOU. I let you be with me until I find a way for you to remember." I whispered the last part, but she heard anyway.

She walked up to me, and kissed me. It was hard, and soft at the same time. "Please Lane, if I forget again, I'm done. There's a large chance that I'll forget everything. For good."

I looked at her with a questioning look. "Why would you risk everything for me? I'm just a dumb boy so-"

"And I'm just a dumb girl Lane. Let me for-"

With that, it happened again. Why does the world hate us being together? I don't understand why Alex and I can't be together.

She fell back, and hit her head again. AGAIN.

I sit up while the Doctor comes in again. "What did you tell her this time?" I whispered.

"That she had an anxiety attack, but this time was different Lane."

I look up her quickly. "What do you mean, 'this time was different'?"

"She died and came back to life. Lane, she died."

"This is great Amanda!"

"How is this great, your mate died and came back to life. I fail to see that she lost all of her memory is great either. You two are done. She won't remember you Lane."

"See Amanda, that's where you are wrong. Little does anybody know, it's the best day ever for her once she REMEMBERS! SHE'LL REMEMBER EVERYTHING AMANDA! She'll finally remember."

"What do you mean she'll remember? She's the one Time chose to forget."

"We did what we had to do. How many times were we here in this hospital before this one?"

"Nineteen........" I give her a minute to think. "Oh my god! You did it Lane! You guys did it. This is the best day ever. That explains why she died, why she was out for two days. I think her mother knows its time to say goodbye. You two are very lucky."

"It isn't me that is lucky yet, I have to get her to marry me first Amanda. It has to happen with her memory back, when will she get it back Amanda?"

"Two days to a week Lane."

"I shall give her a week, and by then our lives can finally be lived. I am the reason she lived, and once her memory is fully restored, we can stay."

"Good luck Lane."


Authors note-

I promise I've written before, but i end up deleting the whole thing. This I shall finish, whether it's good or not.

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