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I don't know where I am and my head hurts really bad.
I look around me and I see trees all around me.
It's kind of like I'm in a forest of some sort.
The only problem is that I don't know why I'm here on this bed.
What did I do to come to this part of the forgetiven?
The dark side of this earth?
I don't know why I'm here, but I'll find out.
I somehow fell asleep again and had a dream:
"Come on Jacob keep up. I can't stop and wait for you every minute!"
"Shut up I'm coming."
I keep walking when all of a sudden there is a guy standing in front of us with a gun in hand.
"Leah! Stop there and yell to Jacob to catch up and be silent."
So I do what he says because I didn't know what else to do.
"Jacob dont talk and catch up please," and to make it more believable I added " I'm tired if hearing you complain"
Once he catches up he just looks at me and says "who is this guys. Leah do you remember him because I don't. Yet again, I have a forgetting problem and apparently you remember everything.. " he trails off .
"No Jacob, I don't remember him I think he's a new enemy. What's your name you guy with the gun?"
" Oh leah, I've been watching you ever since Time had you. You and Jacob aren't mates. You haven't met your mate yet. But I came to kill this Jacob, little do you know he's not Jacob."
" Jacob what does he mean?"
"Babe, I don't know what he's talking about. " He said as he looked away, which he only does when he's lying to me.
"You're lying ."
"What no I'm not."
"Guy with the gun, if this isn't Jacob then who is he?"
I never got answer because a guy came up behind the guy with the gun and shot him. Then he looked at Jacob and said you'll find out when you're ready but for now, don't trust anyone. Not even you Leah. And don't worry Beau is coming soon. He's the only one you can trust. Camp out here for another day and he'll be here and he'll help you. Goodbye and I'll see you both soon. Now, I'm going to leave and it might knock you into a state of unconsciousness, goodbye.
And with that he left and set us into a state of sleep.

I woke up and I looked for Jacob. I didn't know where he was.


I wake up in a forest and I have a massive headache. I don't remember much but I guess that's normal.
I know i came here with a girl, that much i remember but why? Why are we in a forest and why am i laying on the ground?
I don't remember anything. I don't know the girls name. I barely remember mine.

I look around and see the girl.

Something jogs my memory but it just makes my headache worse.

I see her walking towards me but i can't move so i just lay back down until she reaches me.

"Hey Jake."

"I don't know your name." I whisper.

"I'm Leah, how do you not remember?"

"I don't remember. My head really hurts and i can barely remember my name let alone yours. Also why are we in this forest? Do you know?"

"You'll hopefully remember in a couple of hours like you did twenty years ago. Just maybe this is your time to be normal. Just maybe Jacob. Maybe it'll work out."

"What do you mean maybe it'll work out?"

"Later Jacob. I'll explain later."


I hear sticks snapping somewhere around us. I stand up and look around .

"Don't shoot!"

"Who are you and where are you ?" I shout out.

"I'm Beau! I'm here to help you...." He trailed off when he came into vision.  He just looked at me.

"So your this Beau that other guy said we had to wait for? What makes you so i.portant that you have to come out here and help us?"

"May e cause you and your boyfriend are stupid and don't know how to survive out here? Maybe cause that Jacob kid isn't really who you think he is. Maybe I'm here to save your flipping life? Maybe I'm here to end your stupid lives and make my life simpler and get back to school? Who the f**k knows Leah?"

I stand there without words. I've never met someone who would talk to me like that. Jacob never talked to me like that. But somehow I'm not mad at him.

"Oh, well, um okay then Beau. I'm gonna go over here and you do whatever you want." I start to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me into him.

"Leah, don't leave me here. Don't  trust Jacob. Please he'll hurt you. "

"And you won't? "

"I'll try not to hurt your gorgeous heart Leah..."

I get out of his embrace and start to walk away. "You can't say things like that Beau, i have a boyfriend. So please dont do that again."

"Fine." He whispered.

I go find Jacob but i can't find him.

I look around but all i found is a note.

I had the dream and i know you think I'm not really Jacob and i want you safe. Stay with Beau. I don't know who i am. So i left to figure it out. I love you, but i am beaking up with you. That guy said we weren't mates. So why would it hold you back. You find your mate Leah. Maybe I'll find someone. Maybe I'll find myself in the process. Just maybe I'll remember more. Goodbye Leah. Find him. Maybe he's there right now.

With love

I reread the note again and again. I didn't realize i was crying until Beau handed me a tissue.

"How long have you been here Beau?"

"Two minutes. I got worried when you didn't come back. "

"No need to worry about me Beau. Save your worries for someone important."

"Everyone is important to someone Leah, and you mean the world to someone."

"Well i didnt to Jacob. So im not in the mood to look anymore ."

"You don't look for love Leah, love comes to you when you don't want it, don't need it, are not looking for it. It comes to you when you least expect it. "

"Yea is that the speech you gave to your girlfriend?"


" Wait are you for flipping real? Your gay?"

He laughs loudly. "No I'm kidding but your the first person I've given that speech to, so feel special. " He gets up and walks away.


I didn't really leave but i saw that whole exchange. Beau is her mate. I know that much. I saw it in his eyes.

Leah doesn't know how she feels yet because of me. I left her and she's hurt. But i know that because i hurt her she'll push away and not want to get involved in anyone.

Then she'll realize how she feels. I know her. She likes him.

She never looked at me like that. Not even when i gave her that speech twenty one years ago. Right before we died.


I remember that speech.

Leah i love you. You may not think that someone can love you, but i do. You mean the world to me. Love found us unexpectedly. You ate important to me. And always will be.  Don't let anyone dishonor that. I love you. 

And with that he took out a knife and stabbed me. And then he stabbed himself.

What the hell? Why did he kill me and then himself. And how do i remember that so clearly. May e that guy was right. Maybe my Jacob isn't Jacob after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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